Compton California
March 14th 2023"Hey ma" Makayla said to Ja'rod's mother when they walked in. Ja'rod's mother, Monica, had kept Kaiser for the night because she wanted to see him.
"Hello— Makayla" Monica said glaring at her son, "how you been baby?"
"I'm been good ma—im really at peace right now and im happy how things are going" Makayla smiled.
"Mommy!" Kaiser yelled when he saw his mother.
"Hey stinkaman mommy misseded you" Makayla said picking Kaiser up.
"Ja'rod come shake this kool-aid up for me" his mother said making Ja'rod walk to the kitchen and Monica following him.
Once Monica got into the kitchen she just stared at her son. Thinking over all of the bad decisions he has made with that girl. She wanted her son to find real love not toxic dirty "love". He wasn't going to get that with Makayla.
"What ma?" He asked feeling his mother's stare as he began shaking the kool-aid.
"Boy don't "what" me" she rolled her eyes, "you fucking that girl?"
Ja'rod smacked his lips, "no ma im not fuckin' ha'"
"Mm I don't believe you"
"Well whatchu wan' me ta' say?" He asked while shaking the kool-aid jug.
"You don't gotta say nothing—I just want you to be smart and don't go backwards, go forward with new things" Monica said grabbing a cup from her cabinet.
"Igh ma, im not" he said as he continued to shake the jug.
"At least you wearing a condom?"
"See I knew yall was still fucking" monica said in disbelief, "ja'rod—"
"I know ma" ja'rod said, "youn even gotta say nothin'"
Monica waited a second before she realized what he was doing, "Damn nigga, stop shaking the damn jug, it's mixed" she spoke smacking his hand.
Monica rinsed out the glass and grabbed the jug and poured some into a glass cup. She handed the cup to ja'rod.
"Taste it"
He drunk the red kool-aid before making a face.
"The fuck typa kool-aid this is?" He asked noticing the unfamiliar flavor.
"This not the real red one, the better one in da' blue packet—why the hell you get this shit?"
"Boy get the hell outta my kitchen, questioning my decisions in my own damn house" Monica stated with a mug on her face.
. . . . . . .
"Hey jeezy" destiny said hopping in his car.
"Waddup, you got the shit?"
Ever since her breakdown at the jail, they have gotten closer. She apologized for her attitude and he kinda forgave her, well he pushed pasted it.
"Yea" she dug in her purse, pulling out the small bag, "the weed anddddd the wraps" she smiled.
He grabbed the weed out of her hand and sniffed it, "good looks"
"So where we going?" She asked. He just shrugged in response.
"You talk ta' yo' brother today?" He asked pulling into a parking lot.