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             Compton California
               August 10th 2023

Destiny woke up hearing the shower running. She was confused about why she was naked and who was in her shower.

She began to panic. Did she have sex with a random man from the club? Was there a random man taking a shower in her apartment? Those questions raced through her mind.

The bathroom door opened making her pull the cover over her head and speak, "who are you?"

The man didn't respond making her heart race, "if you don't tell me who you are, I will call the police"

The man still didn't respond started to get dressed, he chuckled.

"You think this is funny?"

"Take a peek" the man said. Destiny slowly pulled the blanket from her face. She sighed when she saw it was ja'rod.

Ja'rod looked back at Destiny noticing her smudged makeup. She remembered all of the events that took place last night as soon as she saw ja'rod but she wanted to be sure.

"Did we actually hav—" she sat up.

He cut her off, "yea"

She scoffed and shaking her head, "I wasn't supposed to do that, I'm sorry"

"Nah—it was on me"

"No I called yo—"

He cut her off again, "I shouldn't have came up hea'—and definitely not fuck you"

"I started it—"

Ja'rod smacked his teeth, "it happened and we'on gotta talk 'bout it—I'm leaving"

"Ja'rod wait"

"What" he mumbled.

Destiny sighed, "can we talk?"

He chuckled, "last time you said dat you left and ain't never talk"

"I know but—"

"What we gon' talk about?" He turned at her.

"Okay can you stop cutting me off and let me speak" Destiny said angrily.

"Put some clothes on then we can talk" he said before walking out of the room.

Destiny stood up, hissing at the pain in her legs slowly walking to her closet and grabbing some shorts and an oversized sweatshirt.

She walked into her living seeing ja'rod sitting on her couch. She sat next to him.

"Are we broken up?" She asked.

"Ion know—are we?"

"Ja'rod can you please not have an attitude" she huffed out.

"I don't have an attitude, you made the call" he said, "I'm tryna figure out what the fuck is goin' on witchu"

"Okay well me too" she stood up and paced, "I-i I don't know what to do"

"So why you wannna talk?"


"Cause what? Cause you'on wanna be alone?"

"No no that's no-"

"But ain't that was it seems" he chuckled, "I like you, I really fuck witchu you and you a mess"

"I'm not a mess"

"Yes you are!—you stayed with a nigga who was beating yo' ass everyday but you was quick ta' leave me in a fuckin' heart beat cause my job ain't want you want it to be"

She stopped walking and faced him, "that is not the same—that was not fair ja'rod and you know it"

"You right it's not the same!" He stood up, "it's not the same cause I don't beat the shit outta you, I treat you wit' respect and allat shit but you'on treat me the same"

Destiny felt her lip quivering as tears brimmed in her eyes.

"W-why would you—EVER, throw that in my f-face" hot tears rolled down her cheeks, "I told you that out of comfort and you throw it back in my face"

"Cause you painting me as the bad guy and I'm not" he shook his head, "I'm not hurting you"

"No, you're hurting other people—I rather get my ass beat then for other people to get their life taken away"

Ja'rod sat on the couch with his head in his hands, "you driving me crazy—I ain't mean ta' say that shit but ion understand you"

"Well I don't understand you either" she sat down.

They sat in silence for a few minutes.

"I was scared okay? I was scared that you might put my life in danger and I was scared that your life was in danger" she explained.

"My dad was in this life and he's in jail now, he has been in jail most of my life and I just can't imagine if we're together and you go to jail or die, I will be crushed because I really like you too"

"I've been asking everybody for help so I can make my decision but I have to make it myself—and I want to be with you but you have to stop doing that line of work"

Ja'rod sat quietly, listening to her voice and taking it all in, "I can't just stop"

"You can, you're hurting people ja'rod"

"You'on think I know that? Ion wan' hurt nobody but it's too late, I'm already wrapped up into it"

"Ja'rod what are we gonna do?"



"I'll stop" ja'rod stood up, "I'll stop killing but I can't get out da' business, it's not that easy"

Destiny let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"I gotta go" ja'rod said making Destiny stand up. She reached in for a hug but he dodged it.

"I'a see you lata or sum'" he said walking out the door. Destiny sighed and called Monica.

"Hey Ms. Monica"


"Can I come over please" tears started to fall, "I-i I need to talk"


"Okay I'm gonna come soon" she hung up and walked to her bathroom to get in the shower.

Destiny didn't know what was going to happen between them but she hoped it would be something good.

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