Chapter 13 : The Shorts Story

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Anvith sat on the couch munching the donuts he took from Diyanshi's hand.

''Hey, that was mine. '' Diyanshi said referring to the donut.

''But now I am eating it so it's mine.'' Saying he finished the remaining piece.

Diyanshi was going to burst on him but restraint herself . 'Remember Diyu, you are mad at him. No talking. Take deep breath and calm down.'

She huffed and sat beside Suhaani. And Drishan who was sitting with Aarav now went to Anvith and sat on his lap.

''You betrayed me shaan.'' Aarav said. Anvith smirked seeing him.

''No I love him more because Ani uncle will give me a doll soon.'' Drishan said innocently.

Anvith's ears turned red and Divyansh who was devouring donuts choked hearing his son. Suhaani patted his back and gave him water.

''Doll?? What doll?? '' Diyanshi asked confused.

''Nothing, champ come here, I have something to show you. '' Divyansh said. Taking Drishan with him he ran away from Anvith who was murderously glaring at him.

Much to Anvith's relief, others didn't probe further and again engaged in discussion. He sits back relaxing and stared at her. It's been three days he didn't saw her. Her smile, the glint of her eyes, he missed it.

Diyanshi can very well feel his eyes, so she excused herself and went to the kitchen.

''Hey, Chipmunk!! ''

She sequled hearing the sudden voice just behind her. She turned around and glared at him.

''What happened?? Why are you glaring at me?? Are you still angry that I called you chipmunk. But you also called me Dinosaur.'' Anvith said in his defense.

''I am not mad because of that.''

''Then what?? ''

''Three days... It's freaking three days but you didn't called or msged me. I am angry at you.'' Diyanshi said looking away.

''You didn't do either.'' Anvith said raising his eyebrow.

''Yes I didn't called or msged you but I took your every update from chachi and Rishi.''

''I am sorry.'' Anvith said realising she didn't stop caring for him. If anyone else was there they would be faint hearing him. As it's very rare for The Anvith Veer Singh Rajvansh to say sorry to anyone.

''This will not be enough.''

'' Umm, then will this do?? '' Anvith said taking out a chocolate bar from his pocket.

Diyanshi took it but said, ''nope''.

''Now?? '' He said taking out two more chocolates.

She shook her head but took them. He smiled inwardly and handed her two more. Having five large chocolate bar, a wide smile spread her lips.

''Okk. As you are saying so much, I am forgiving you.'' Saying she smiled at him and was about to go out when he held her hand pulled her towards himself.

Her hands on his chest and his on her waist. Her breath hitched at the proximity. He didn't say anything but hug her. She was a little surprised by his action. But she also wrapped her hands around him.

He inhaled her scent which he missed. His lips grazed the side of her neck as her hair was in bun. She was feeling current flowing through her veins. It was their first hug. His heart felt peace having her in his arms. He accept or not but he missed her immensely.

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