Chapter 26 : Mann mei laddoo phuta

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''I am going. Bye.'' Anvith said preparing to leave when Diyanshi held his hand.

''Drop me to my office.''

''Sure, let's go.''

''So it's you.'' Diyanshi asked rather stated as soon as they settled and he started driving.

''What me?? '' Anvith asked pretending to be confused.

''It was your plan right?? You told raj,nav, and advi to do those things.''

''What plan?? And what did I tell them to do??'' Anvith replied still pretending to be innocent while concentrating on the road.

''Don't try to act as an innocent Anvith?? Out of all people don't try to act in front of me. I know you did it. It was your plan. So just accept it.'' Diyanshi asked straight forward.

''Yes, I did it. It was my plan. I told them to do that. So what? She deserves it.'' Anvith replied nonchalantly while taking a turn.

She sighed and shook her head.

''Now don't tell me you are sympathizing her and angry at me for doing that.'' Anvith asked taking a glance of her.

''No, absolutely not. I am not angry on you. Why would I be. But Anvith what if the elders got to know that it was your plan?? What would they think about you?? ''

''Are you sure they don't know it's me?? '' Anvith asked.

''What?? ''

''See they very well know that raj, nav and advi did those things. If the mastermind is not you then obviously it would be me. It's simple.Uss ghar mein mere permission ke bina ek patta bhi nehi hilta, mohatarma.  Why do you think they didn't said anything further on that matter??''

''Okay okay, I got it. You are the King of kings, The Anvith Veer Singh Rajvansh, jis ke permission ke bina patta bhi nehi hilta. I was worrying for nothing.'' She said rolling her eyes.

Anvith shook his head smiling at her words.

''But I have one more question.''

''When you don't have ?? ''

''I am serious Anvith. Why did you do it?''


''Anvith?? ''


''If it was about yesterday's incident then you didn't have to Anvith.I know she did that intentionally. But it was just a little burnt. Nothing serious.''

''I know that was not serious. But what if that would have been serious?? And She hurted you that was enough. Doesn't matter if it small or big.''

He stopped the car as her stop came and said, ''May be there is no love in our relationship. May be it is not normal like other couple. But i respect you. I respect our relationship. I respect our marriage. And I took seven vows with you. One of them was to protect you. And  we Rajvanshs never back away from our words. I promised to take care of you. I promised to protect you. So I will protect you. When I said I will not let a single scratch come upon you I mean it, Chipmunk. I will not let anyone touch a single hair of yours. And if they did, they will see the bad side of Anvith. Believe me I can be the worst too when it comes to you.''

'You say such words and then say that there is no love in our relationship. Such a hypocrite you are. There is no consistency between your words and actions. Even your words are contradictory. You yourself are a confused soul and you are making me confused with your words and actions.' Diyanshi said in her mind.

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