[1] We Have Work Tonight

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Ariana sat in the Man Cave with her feet propped up on the desk

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Ariana sat in the Man Cave with her feet propped up on the desk. One of the monitors was playing Drake and Josh. Another was showing a map as she marked hot spots for crime. She threw a handful of popcorn from the bowl on her lap in her mouth.

She heard screaming from the elevator and she turned her head to look. The elevator doors opened and a boy climbed to his feet. He looked around the Man Cave in awe. His eyes came to rest on Ariana.

"Uh hi," he said.

Just then Ariana's dad rolled in on the round couch. The music he was listening to in his headphones was ridiculously loud. Ariana rolled her eyes and watched the scene unfold. Her dad asked the kid, Henry Hart, some weird questions about scrambled eggs and elephants.

Ariana's dad, Ray, walked towards her. He grabbed a piece of popcorn from her bowl and then threw a piece of gum in his mouth.

Henry followed Ray over. "Um, is this the job interview?" He glanced curiously at Ariana again.

"Do you want it to be the job interview?" Ray said.

"Um, what is the job?" Henry asked.

"What do you think the job is?" Ray said.

Ariana rolled her eyes again at her dad's antics.

"Uh, well, the ad said part-time helper, so I'm thinking maybe you need someone to help you, you know, part-time," Henry said.

Ariana glanced at the screen. When she looked back at them Ray was asking Henry if he could trust him.

"I'm gonna blow a bubble," Ray said.

"You're gonna blow a bubble?" Henry questioned.

"I'm gonna blow your mind," Ray said.

He blew a bubble and transformed into his Captain Man uniform.

"Y- you're Captain Man!" Henry shouted in awe.

"That's right, Henry. Hold on a second. Stupid zipper always sticks. Come- Ow, that's my skin!"

Ariana dropped her head in her hands as her dad tried to get his suit zipper up.

Ray zapped Henry's phone out of his hand as Henry talked excitedly about telling his friend about Captain Man. Henry picked up the phone gingerly.

"Okay but, did you have to melt my phone?"

"I'll get you a new one," Ray said.

"Really?" Henry perked up.


Ray walked over to the round couch and sat on the part closest to Ariana. "So, Henry, tell me why you want a job."

"Well, you know, to to learn responsibility and challenge myself," Henry said.

Ariana moved the bowl of popcorn, took her feet off the table, and spun her chair. "You want money."

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