[5] Freeze Wall Dogs

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Ariana sat upside down on the couch in Henry's living room with her feet in the air and her head hanging off the cushion

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Ariana sat upside down on the couch in Henry's living room with her feet in the air and her head hanging off the cushion. They were studying for a biology test.

"Okay, next. What is this?" Charlotte asked holding up a liver.

"That is disgusting," Henry said.

"It's a human liver," Ariana said still upside down.

"Which is disgusting," Henry said.

Ariana made a hum of agreement.

"Okay, next we got-," Charlotte said. 

"One sec," Henry said turning on the TV.

"Hey, we're studying," Charlotte said. "Do you want to fail your biology test?"

"Wait, you guys got to see this new reality show. It's called Celebrities in Elevators Talking About Breakfast."

Charlotte groaned and rolled her eyes.

The TV showed Kim and Kanye in an elevator talking about breakfast.

"Okay, television isn't even trying anymore," Charlotte said.

Jasper burst in the door, "Hey, guys, did you hear? Did you guys watch the news tonight?"

"You watch the news?" Ariana sniffed in disdain.

"Why would we watch the news?" Charlotte asked.

"Do we look 40 years old?" Henry said.

"The Wall Dogs hit the Swellview library," Jasper said.

"Really?" Charlotte asked.

"There's a Swellview library?" Henry asked.

"Yeah," Jasper said.

"Aw. They shouldn't spray paint a library," Charlotte said.

"Well, don't worry, the cops are going to catch them now. Look."

Ariana turned upright to see the video Jasper was showing them. Trent and Mary were talking about the ten thousand dollar reward that was being offered for information leading to the arrest of the graffiti gang the Wall Dogs.

"Did you hear that? If we find the Wall Dogs we'll get ten thousand bucks," Jasper said.

Henry, Charlotte, and Ariana looked at each other.

"Eh I don't know," Charlotte said.

"Come on, I need the money," Jasper pleaded.

"Jasper, what do you need ten thousand dollars for?" Ariana asked.

"I want to get foot reduction surgery," Jasper admitted.

"Dude, there's nothing wrong with having huge feet," Henry said.

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