[12] The Great Ariana Manchester Has Feelings

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"Ariana," Nick called out

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"Ariana," Nick called out.

"Hey," Ariana turned to him shutting her locker.

"I haven't heard from you since you and your friends made your exit last Wednesday."

"Yeah," Ariana said. "I kinda got caught up. There was a mystical muffin and my dad almost got married. It was a whole thing."

"What? You know if I didn't know better I'd think you were avoiding me," Nick said.

"Of course not! And I'm here now," Ariana said smiling up at him.

"Yeah. Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to go-."

"Hey guys!" Henry threw his arms around both of their shoulders. "How goes it?"

Ariana shot him a glare. "It was going great before you showed up," Ariana hissed at him.

Nick frowned at Henry's arm around his shoulders.

"Well that's great," Henry said not moving.

Oh, she was going to kill him. Now she wouldn't get to hear what Nick was going to say. And maybe she was wrong but it sounded like he had been about to ask her out. But Henry had ruined that.

"I gotta go to class," Nick said shaking Henry's arm off. "See you later, Ariana."

"See you," Ariana smiled.

She turned to Henry when Nick was gone. Tossing his arm off of her she flicked his forehead.


"Dude, why?" Ariana asked.

"What?" Henry said obliviously.

"I was talking to Nick."

"So?" Henry asked. "Oh... oh I see."

"Do you?"

"Did I interrupt your flirting?" Henry teased.

"You know you did," Ariana hit his arm. "I hate you so much."

"No you don't," Henry chuckled and threw his arm around Ariana again. "You love me."

Ariana ducked out from under his arm as they walked toward class. "I will literally kill you," she threatened.

Henry patted her head affectionately. "I know."


Ariana sat on the round couch glaring at Henry.

"So I take it you're still mad at me?" Henry asked.


"What'd he do?" Ray asked walking in to catch the end of the conversation.

"I interrupted her and Nick flirting," Henry laughed.

"Good," Ray said. He tossed the keys to Ariana.

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