[4] I'm Here With My Ex

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"Henry, come on, we got to get to school," Charlotte said

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"Henry, come on, we got to get to school," Charlotte said.

They stood in the kitchen of Henry's house. He was doing something on his laptop.

"Relax. I'm almost done," Henry said.

"You better not make us tardy," Charlotte said.

"I was born tardy," Jasper said proudly. "My mom says that's why my feet are so big."

"Boom, done," Henry said.

"What are you doing anyways?" Ariana asked.

"I just got tickets to Valentine's Day at Club Soda," Henry said.

"Shut up! For real?" Jasper exclaimed.

"Yeah, man," Henry said.

"Well, guess who's going to be working there?" Jasper said.

"Wait, what is club soda?" Charlotte asked.

"It's this cool new club just for teens, and they have every kind of soda you can think of," Henry said.

"Uh-huh. And I'm getting paid five bucks an hour to guard the door and make sure only legit teenagers get in," Jasper said.

"Well, me and Bianca are way legit," Henry said.

"Ooh, you're taking Bianca out on Valentine's Day?" Charlotte asked.

"Yeah, I am," Henry said.

"Nice," Ariana said.

"How'd you ask her?" Charlotte asked.

"I didn't yet," Henry said.

"You better call Bianca right now," Charlotte ordered.


"Because Valentine's Day is tomorrow and girls like to be asked in advance," Charlotte said.

"I think I know how girls work," Henry said. "Up top," he stuck his hand up for a high-five from Jasper.

"Like a mop," Jasper said.

"What does "like a mop" mean?" Henry asked as they all stared at Jasper.

"I don't know, I shouldn't have said it," Jasper said.

"Henry, Charlotte is right. Maybe you should take the advice of two girls," Ariana said.

"You two don't know anything," Henry said.

Ariana flicked his forehead.

"Oww," Henry whined.


Henry stood dejectedly in the middle of the school hallway.

"So, how'd it go with Bianca?" Ariana asked with a smirk.

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