[24] Space Bunnies

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Ariana crept into the space station

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Ariana crept into the space station. Henry and Ray followed her. The door closed behind them.

"Okay kids, stay cool," Ray said. "Ow!"

Something dropped on Ray's head, knocking him to the ground.

"Ahhhh! What was that?" Henry fired his blaster around wildly. " What was that? What's happening?" He rolled to the ground and kept firing.

"Dude, chill," Ariana pushed Henry's blaster down as he stood.

"Hey! I think I got whatever it was that attacked- ahh!"

A metal pole dropped on their heads knocking Henry and Ariana to the ground.

"I didn't get it," Henry groaned.

"Captain Man?" A little girl asked pointing Henry's blaster at them.

"Uh, I'm here too," Henry said climbing to his feet and holding his head. "Kid Danger. Also relevant."

He held out a hand and helped Ariana to her feet. She clutched her head as well.

"I am also here and relevant," Ariana said.

"Okay, little girl, who are you? What are you doing here? How old are you? Why'd you hit all of us on the head?"Ray said.

"Dude!" Ariana said.

"Let her answer!" Henry said. 

"Well I have a lot of questions," Ray said.

"Captain Man! Glitch! Kid Danger! Help us! Let us out!" The astronauts said drumming on the glass of their sleep pods.

"Be quiet, Dad!" The girl yelled.

The girl, Kelsey had snuck on board a supply rocket and gotten to the space station.

"Okay, I don't know what the butt is going on here, but uh, Kid Danger, you let those astronauts outta their sleep... things," Ray said.

"Okay," Henry said picking up Ray's dropped blaster.

"You just, freeze," Kelsey said as Henry walked toward her.

"Yeah, I don't freeze," Henry said. "I thaw."

"Wait, you saw what?" Ray asked.


"You said you saw something."

"Wh... no, I said I thaw," Henry said.

"Well, what? You thaw what? What'd you thee?"

"What is wrong with you?" Ariana said.

"Dude, what are you doing?" Henry asked.

"I dunno, the air's pretty weird in here."

"How is the air...," Henry started. "Alright, I'm gonna let you guys out."

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