[3] You Stole My Costume

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Ariana walked into history class and almost knocked into Charlotte and Henry

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Ariana walked into history class and almost knocked into Charlotte and Henry. They were looking intently at something.

"Hey guys," she greeted. "What are we looking at?"

"Jasper's flirting," Henry said.

"Aww good for him," Ariana said.

"He keeps trying to make that girl, Monica, think he's Kid Danger," Charlotte said.

Ariana and Henry laughed.

They watched Jasper shush the girl by pressing his fingers to her lips.

"He touched her lips," Henry said laughing.

"It's not funny. He's lying to her," Charlotte said. "And now she's got dirty lips."

"Come on," Henry gestured the girls forward. "Hey, Jasper. What's poopinin'?"

"Henry," Jasper greeted. "You guys know Monica."

"Sure," Henry agreed.

"Hey, Monica," Charlotte said.

"Hey," Ariana waved.

"Hi," Monica said to them all.

"So, dude, trick or treating tonight, you still coming with us?" Henry asked.

"It's okay to say no," Charlotte said.

"Yeah, I'm coming, Jasper said to them. Then he turned to Monica. "You want to come trick or treating with us?"

"I'd love to come," Monica said.

"Cool. Just remember a certain captain might need my help tonight," Jasper whispered.

Ariana snickered and whacked Henry's arm.

He rolled his eyes knowing she was laughing at his expense.

"That's okay. I like danger," Monica said.

"And danger likes you," Jasper told her.

"Hey, Jasper," Henry said.


"Shh." Henry put his fingers to Jasper's lips.


Ariana knocked on the door and then walked in without waiting to be let in.

"Hey guys-," she stopped short. "What are you wearing?" Ariana demanded.

"I'm a zombie tennis player," Henry said.

"You can't be a zombie tennis player! I'm a zombie tennis player," Ariana said.

"Boom, fresh," Charlotte said mockingly.

"What?" Ariana asked.

"Henry here was just telling me how his zombie tennis player costume idea was fresh," Charlotte said.

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