[17] One-Month Anniversary

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"Happy one-month anniversary," Nick said walking up behind Ariana

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"Happy one-month anniversary," Nick said walking up behind Ariana.

She turned to him. "Is that today?" She asked pretending not to know the answer.

"I'm taking you out to dinner tonight," Nick said.

"Yeah? Where are we going?"

"Soto Voche," Nick told her.

She smiled and took his hand.


"Ugh, look at them," Henry grumbled. "Can they go one day without kissing?"

"Well it is their one-month anniversary," Charlotte pointed out. "And why does it matter if they kiss? What happened to "I don't like her?"

Henry looked at Ariana and Nick. He had to admit that the feeling in his gut was jealousy. In that moment the truth hit him like a bus. Henry liked Ariana.

"I like her," Henry said so quietly Charlotte almost didn't hear.

"What?" Charlotte whipped her head to him.

"I like Ariana. But you can't tell anyone," Henry said.

"I knew it!" Charlotte exclaimed. "What about Jasper?"

"Especially not Jasper! He'd probably tell her on accident."

Charlotte raised her hands in defeat. "Come on loverboy, let's get to class."


Ariana and Nick were infuriating all day. Anytime they weren't in class they were together. Holding each other's hands, kissing, and giggling. It was disgusting. Henry couldn't stand it anymore.

"Can you guys not? I'm trying to eat here," Henry said over the lunch table.

Ariana's laughter stopped as she turned to look at him. "What?"

Charlotte elbowed him in warning.

"Nothing," he grumbled.

"If you have a problem just say it," Ariana said.

"It'd be nice if I could eat my lunch without having to watch you two suck each other's faces off," Henry said.

"We haven't kissed the entire period," Ariana frowned.

"Whatever, but if you're gonna flirt do you have to do it in front of us?" Henry said.

Ariana stood up angrily. She grabbed Nick's hand and dragged him up too. "Fine," she stormed away dragging Nick behind her.

"Henry," Charlotte groaned. "You're only making her mad."

"Why'd you do that?" Jasper asked.

"I just wanna eat my pizza without wanting to throw up," Henry said defensively.

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