[19] Family Secrets

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"Hey, Dad," Ariana said hesitantly walking into the main room of the Man Cave

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"Hey, Dad," Ariana said hesitantly walking into the main room of the Man Cave.

"What's up, kid?" Ray looked up from the couch.

Ariana took a seat on the couch next to him. "Can I ask you a question?"

Ray set his magazine down suspiciously. "Okay, but if you're about to ask if you can tell that boy you're Glitch the answer is no."

"What? No. I wanted to ask you about... my mom," Ariana said.

Ray let out a sigh and Ariana expected him to shut down the question like he had any other time she had asked about her mom. Instead, he started talking.

"I knew you'd ask one day."

"I've asked before," Ariana pointed out.

"Yeah, but you were too young to understand. The thing is Ariana, your mother and I dated for a while when we were young. But then she took off and I didn't even know she was pregnant until three years later."

"Wait so...," Ariana started.

"Yes. You lived with your mom until you were almost three," Ray said.

"So why haven't I seen her since?"

"Ariana," Ray said softly. "She died in a car crash just before you turned three."

Ariana stood up. "My mom is dead?" Her voice trembled. A tear was slipping down her face before she could stop it.


Ariana turned and walked away.

"Where are you going?" Ray called after her.

"I just can't be here right now," Ariana choked out.

She desperately wanted her boyfriend. She wanted Nick to wrap his arms around her, kiss her head, and tell her everything would be okay. But Nick and his family were in California for the weekend. And even though she could still get to him she wasn't exactly in the state to come up with an excuse as to how she got there. So instead she teleported to the only place she could think of.


Henry jumped when Ariana appeared in his room in a flash of green light.

"Jeez Ariana, you scared-," Henry stopped short.

Tears traced their way down her face.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Henry stepped towards her.

With a strangled noise, she fell forward into Henry, burying her head in his chest. Henry felt his arms come up to wrap around her without him actually thinking about it.

They stood there for a while. Henry holding Ariana. Her weeping into his shirt. Her cries were mostly quiet. She just shook silently. But every now and then she'd whimper.

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