[8] I Know Your Secret

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"What's going on?" Ariana wondered aloud as she looked at all the darts on the floor of the school hallway

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"What's going on?" Ariana wondered aloud as she looked at all the darts on the floor of the school hallway. "Ahh," she dodged one quickly. "Jeez." She looked up and saw Charlotte and Henry. "Hey guys, what's popping?"

"I just found this note in my locker," Henry said.

"I know your secret I know what you did on Wednesday night," Ariana read the note Henry showed her. "That's ominous."

"What secret?" Charlotte asked.

"I only have one secret," Henry glanced around to make sure no one was listening and lowered his voice. "That I'm Kid Danger."

"Uh oh," Charlotte said.

"Yeah. Wait, what were we doing on Wednesday night?" Henry asked Ariana.

"We stopped those three armed men from robbing the supermarket."

"Naw, we never fought any guys with three arms," Henry said.

"No," Charlotte sighed. "Three men who were armed."

"Idiot," Ariana flicked his forehead.

"Ow," he rubbed his forehead. "Oh yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Then that proves that whoever wrote this note knows I'm Kid Danger. Oh, this is bad. This is bad," Henry panicked.

"Real bad," Charlotte agreed.

"We gotta tell Ray that someone knows my secret identity," Henry said.

One of the darts the janitor was throwing to pop a balloon caught on the ceiling hit Miss Shapen in the shoulder. Her scream interrupted their conversation. "Oww! Who dropped this dart in my flesh? Oww! Can somebody come pull this outta me?"

"Uh, nah," Henry said. 

"Gotta go over there," Charlotte said.

"Gotta get to class," Ariana said.

They all fled the scene.


"And you're a hundred percent sure you didn't tell anyone?" Ray asked after Henry told him about the note in his locker.

"I told nobody," Henry said.

"Well did you send any emails, or text messages where you mentioned that you're Kid Danger?"

"Oh, wait, no, yeah last week I did stand on my roof naked and yell, "Hey! Everybody! Look at me! I'm Henry Hart and I'm Kid Danger!" Henry said sarcastically. 

"You did that naked?" Ray asked horrified. 

"No, I didn't do it at all!" Henry threw himself down on the round couch next to Ariana.

"Oh, you're joking? This is joke time for you?" Ray said getting angry.

"Dad, come on. I know you're worried but it's not Henry's fault," Ariana said.

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