[2] Charlotte Knows

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"I feel bad for Captain Man," Charlotte said

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"I feel bad for Captain Man," Charlotte said.

Charlotte, Jasper, Ariana, and Henry were sitting in Henry's living room. They had just watched an interview where Captain Man was asked about the phone shark once again. 

"It's not Captain Man's fault. He just needs better sidekicks," Jasper said.

"One more time?" Henry said offended. 

"Just saying, I'd be way better at catching bad guys than Kid Danger," Jasper scoffed.

"You couldn't catch butt warts!" Henry said.

"Oh, yes he could. Remember fifth grade?" Charlotte said.

"Eww," Ariana said.

"That was a rash. Big difference," Jasper defended.

"Whatever, I think Kid Danger does a great job," Henry said.

"And that Glitch girl, she's great too," Ariana said.

"Glitch is pretty," Jasper sighed dreamily.

Ariana coughed loudly as she choked on disgust and shuddered violently.

Henry snorted.

"Why are you getting all mad anyways?" Charlotte asked.

"Because Jasper's being unfair. And I think it's unfair to criticize that, that Kid Danger guy when he's probably doing the best he can. And people should be fair, you know? Fairness. I'm pro-fair," Henry said defensively.

Henry's sister came tromping in then yelling at Jasper to carry her to her friend Marla's house.

"I'm not going to carry you. I ain't no horse," Jasper said.

"Fine. Then I'll just upload this video so the whole world can see it," Piper said.

"Video of what?" Charlotte asked. 

"Him trying to sing the Cup song," Piper said leaning in.

"I never did that! Why would I do that? I never did that!" Jasper said.

"Is it any good?" Ariana asked.

"Watch," Piper smiled evilly.

Piper played a video of Jasper wearing a long brown wig and singing the cup song.

"I got my ticket for the long way round two bott- dang it. I'll never be pitch perfect." Jasper sang in the video.

It was in fact, not good.

They all laughed.

"Okay, stop it! Turn it off! Turn it off!" Jasper demanded.

"Where did you get that wig?" Charlotte asked.

"You don't need to know!" Jasper said.

"How did you get that video?" Henry asked his little sister.

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