[22] Double Date Danger

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Miss Shapen rode a tricycle around the school yelling at them all to get to class

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Miss Shapen rode a tricycle around the school yelling at them all to get to class.

"I hate this school," Ariana muttered.

"Henry! Stop!" Miss Shapen called.

Henry turned. Ariana, Charlotte, and Jasper stopped as well.

"Uh, Miss Shapen...," Henry said.

"Yeah? What?"

"Why are you riding a tricycle?" Charlotte asked.

"Oh because," Miss Shapen pedaled closer to the group. "Last night, right before I fell asleep, I stepped in cat food."

"And?" Jasper asked.

"And by the time I woke up, my cats had eaten part of my left foot," she raised her foot up to show them.

Charlotte turned away in disgust.

"Oh geez!" Henry said.

"Oh my god!" Jasper said.

Ariana gagged and covered her mouth like she was going to be sick. Henry patted her back.

"Now Henry, I'm thinking of a number between one and a hundred. Guess what the number is," Miss Shapen said.

"Uh...thirty-eight?" Henry said.

"Wrong! The number was thirt-," She glared at Henry. "Pick another number!"

"Uhhh... seventy-four."

"Wrong! Now you have to do me a favor."

"Why?" Henry demanded.

"Because you picked the wrong number. My niece is coming to visit, here in Swellview. And normally, I would have her stay with me, but she's allergic to cats. And nuts. Cats and nuts. So I want Noelle to stay at your house."

"What? Why my house?" Henry asked.

"Because you guessed the wrong number!"

A pretty blonde girl walked in. "Hi... Aunt Sharona?"

Maybe this wasn't so bad. A pretty girl who could get his mind off of Ariana.

"Oh, hey. That's her. Noelle, this is Henry. You'll be crashing at his place," Miss Shapen said.

"Hiiii...Hey. It's really cool to meet you," Henry said.

"Uh, stay at my house!" Jasper jumped in.

"What? What are you doing?" Henry asked.

"I mean Noelle needs a place to stay, so!" Jasper said.

"Well she can stay-," Henry started.

"I don't have any cats or nuts!" Jasper interjected.

"Well, neither do I!" Henry said.

"I mean, Miss Shapen, I could totally just-."

"Hey!" Henry interrupted Jasper. "Who guessed the number wrong? Me! I guessed wrong! That means she has to stay at my house. Right, Noelle? Thank you."

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