[28] Man Cave Sleepover

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"Hey Char," Ariana said

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"Hey Char," Ariana said. "Since my dad's going out of town for the weekend you should stay here at the Man Cave to keep me company. We can have a sleepover."

"Ooh, that sounds fun. I'm in,'' Charlotte said.

The girls sat in the Man Cave with Jasper and Henry. Henry was attempting to balance a grape on his nose, toss it up in the air, and catch it in his mouth.

"Hey, wait, what about us?" Jasper said gesturing at himself and Henry.

"What about you?" Ariana asked.

"Well I also wanna have a sleepover in the Man Cave," Jasper said.

Henry succeeded in his trick with the grape. "Did you guys see that? That was awesome!"

Ariana rolled her eyes.

"I would also like to be included," Henry said.

"It's a girls' night," Ariana shrugged. "And uh, last time I checked..."

"That's not fair!" Jasper said.

"What if there's a crime?" Henry said.

"I'll call you or go get you," Ariana said.

"What if you sleep through the emergency alarm?" Henry said.

"That could actually happen," Charlotte admitted.

Ariana wasn't even offended by that. It was true. She considered it a talent.

"Which is why Charlotte will be here," Ariana pointed out.

"Please! Please, please, pleaseeeeeeee," Jasper begged with his hands clasped.

Ariana tapped her fingers on her knee and glanced at Charlotte. "What'd you say?"

Charlotte shrugged. "Why not? It could be fun. We can play some games and watch movies."

"Okay, you two can come," Ariana said.

"Yes!" Jasper and Henry cheered.


Ariana pushed two double-sized blow-up mattresses so they were only about a foot apart. She threw blankets and pillows on each bed.

"Hey Ariana," Charlotte walked in. "Need help with anything?"

"No. I'm just getting the beds set up for now," Ariana said.

The elevator opened and Jasper and Henry walked in each carrying overnight bags. Henry held a stack of boxes.

"I got the board games," Henry said.

"And I got... myself," Jasper said.

They all gave him a look.

Henry set the board games down. "Is Ray gone yet?"

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