[26] Another Secret Jasper Shouldn't Know

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Ariana sat on the flat rock under the Swellview sign overlooking the city

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Ariana sat on the flat rock under the Swellview sign overlooking the city. She was huddled in her jacket, knees pulled into her chest. Her hair fell in waves down her back, blowing in a chill breeze.

Despite it being early January no snow coated the ground. It was still bitingly cold though.

A twinkle of light reflected off the necklace Henry had given her a couple of weeks ago. She fiddled with it.

Henry could see her thoughtful expression even in the darkness. He sat next to her saying nothing.

She broke the silence. "Everything seems so small and insignificant from here."

"Isn't that why you like this spot though?" Henry asked.

"Yeah," Ariana nodded staring out at the city. "But it just makes you think about how little anything you do matters in the long run."

"But it does," Henry said. "We do so much to help these people. It does matter."

"Yeah. But that's Glitch and Kid Danger doing those things. Not us. Does it ever bother you that people think we're ordinary cause they don't know that we're superheroes?" Ariana said.

"I guess," Henry agreed.

But as Henry stared at the girl in the moonlit darkness he could only think one thing. No one could ever mistake Ariana Manchester for ordinary. Even someone who didn't know she spent part of her life as a superhero.

She had a particular type of beauty that would make you stop and stare in the street. Her laugh was a symphony of bottled stardust. Her eyes sparkled like the rarest of gems. When she smiled at you it became clear that the stars above were dim in comparison to the light within her.

Henry could only chase the moments of joy that came from her presence knowing that she could never be his. Not fully. No a girl like her was a force that could never be contained. She was wild and free. But he would take what time she gave him gladly. Cherish the smiles, count the laughs, even the frowns were precious if they came from her.

To put it simply this girl was the center of his universe. The sun that his planet orbited. To her, he was just another thing caught in her gravity.

Ariana continued to fiddle with her necklace unaware of Henry's thoughts. So lost in her own Henry wasn't even sure if she remembered he was there.

"We should go. You look like you're freezing," Henry said finally.

Ariana looked at him then. For the first time since she'd brought them there and sat down.

"I'm fine," her teeth chattered slightly as she spoke.

Henry rolled his eyes and scooted closer to her hoping his body heat would warm her at least a little. After a second of hesitation, Ariana scooted into him and leaned her head on his shoulder.

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