[7] Jingle Bells in Jail

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Ariana and Henry walked up to the podium in their superhero costumes

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Ariana and Henry walked up to the podium in their superhero costumes. The room was decorated festively with Christmas trees, lights, and glitter. The crowd cheered and clapped for them.

"Good morning," Ariana said into the microphone.

There were more cheers and greetings from the crowd.

"Well, it's December 24th and that means," Henry leaned in close to Ariana to speak into the microphone.

"Welcome to Captain Man's third annual Christmas Breakfast," Ariana continued.

The crowd cheered again.

"Thank you. That's nice. You know, it's really great to-," Henry said.

"Hey, shut up and feed us!" A woman from the crowd said.

"Just a moment, sir," Henry said.

"That's not a man," Ariana hissed in his ear.

"I'm a woman!"

"Sorry, ma'am. And now I present your handsome host, the guy who paid for all of this, Swellview's most important citizen, Captain Man."

Ray entered and a bunch of balloons dropped on him. He kicked a few.

"Thank you. Yes, I know," Ray pointed around as he was cheered on.

Ariana rolled her eyes at her dad's antics.

"All right, everybody get up here and taste the Christmas," Henry shouted.

"Eww don't say it like that," Ariana said.

"Here, you two, put these on," Ray handed them hair nets.

"Ew. I don't want to wear a hair net," Henry said in disgust.

"You have to wear one," Ariana sighed not wanting to wear one either.

"You're serving food. It's city law," Ray said.

"All right. But I'm doing this begrudgingly," Henry said.

They both put the hair nets on.

Ariana laughed when she looked up at Henry. "You look like a doofus."

He glared at her. "You're also wearing a hair net, you know."

"But I pull it off, don't I?"

Henry murmured in assent.

"What was that?" Ariana teased.

"I said I guess, whatever," Henry said.

"Here, let me fix your hair net."

Ariana tucked a tuft of his blonde hair under the hair net and pulled it down a little.

"There," Ariana examined her handiwork. She frowned. "You still look dumb though. I guess it's just your face. Oh well, I can't fix that."

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