[30] Green Fingers

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Ariana groaned miserably and blew her nose

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Ariana groaned miserably and blew her nose. She sat on the floor leaning against the couch in the Man Cave. A blanket was wrapped around her shoulders.

"Hey everybody," Henry walked in coughing.

Charlotte sneezed.

"No sneezing and or groaning," Ray ordered from where he was painting a bust of his own head.

Ariana groaned even louder in response.

"Are you guys sick too?" Henry asked.

"No, I'm just collecting a giant pile of dirty tissues," Charlotte said sarcastically.

"I'm dying," Ariana lamented.

"She's very dramatic when she's sick," Charlotte said with a sniff.

"I am dying, Char."

Henry coughed. "Ariana, you probably have the same thing we have. You won't die."

Schwoz entered through the sprocket carrying a tray. He greeted them all. "Hey everybody! Since it's Saturday morning, look what I brought! Cupcakes!"

Henry reached for one. Schwoz screamed and hurled the platter behind him. The platter hit Ariana's head with a loud clang and a cupcake hit her in the eye.

"Dang it, Schwoz! What'd you do that for?" Ariana demanded wiping frosting out of her eye.

"Everything's fine," Schwoz said before running out of the room.

Henry sat down next to Ariana. She offered him part of her blanket. He accepted and she wrapped it around his shoulder with one arm then curled into his body heat. Henry put his arm around her back and let her lean onto his chest.

"Y'know my whole family's sick, too?" Henry said. "Jasper, how are you feeling?"

Jasper shrugged. "Great. Just getting a little tired of holding these paints."

"Higher," Ray ordered.

Schwoz entered again but this time wearing a mask and gloves. "Hello. So uh... did anyone here recently go into my science laboratory?"

"Well, yeah," Charlotte said.

"You sent me, Ariana, Charlotte, and Jasper there on Thursday," Henry said sitting up a little.

Ariana sighed at the disturbance.

"Sorry," Henry murmured sitting back.

"To put labels on your beakers,"Charlotte agreed.

"Okay, well... I think I did a bad thing," Schwoz said.

"What did you do?" Charlotte asked suspiciously.

"Well, you know how I've always wanted to be famous? By curing some terrible disease?"

They all nodded, very familiar with Schwoz's desire to cure a terrible disease.

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