[29] Detention, Giraffes, and Lies

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"Miss Manchester, Miss Manchester," Miss Shapen said into a megaphone right into Ariana's ear

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"Miss Manchester, Miss Manchester," Miss Shapen said into a megaphone right into Ariana's ear.

Ariana jerked upright nocking a pencil off her desk as she sat up."What's happening?"

The class laughed.

"Detention. That's what's happening," Miss Shapen said.

"No, I'm pretty sure this is history class," Ariana glanced around.

More laughter from the class ensued.

"Don't sass me!" Miss Shapen said.

"So nice of you guys to wake me up," Ariana muttered sarcastically.

"We tried," Nick said flatly.

"I've been kicking the back of your chair for ten minutes," Henry said.

"Well, you should have tried harder."

Ariana crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair. She couldn't see either of their faces but she had a feeling both Nick and Henry were rolling their eyes at her antics.

Miss Shapen was currently telling a story about their sad love life. Or lack thereof.

"I want to go home," Ariana leaned her chair back to be closer to Henry.

"What you don't think this is interesting?" Henry said.

Ariana glanced back at him to see the shit-eating grin on his face. She shook her head at him.

"Her most interesting date was the one you got her with Captain Man to turn your F into an A. I think that might have also been her only. How many times is she going to tell us about it?"

"You got Miss Shapen a date with Captain Man?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, a couple of years ago for Valentine's Day," Henry said dismissively.

"Do you know Captain Man?"

"Everyone knows who Captain Man is. Don't be stupid," Henry said.

Ariana glared at him.

"I meant do you know him personally," Nick gritted his teeth.

"Nah. But I wasn't gonna fail. I did what I had to," Henry said.

"At my expense," Ariana muttered.

"Well, you're not the one who had to go on a date with her so you should at least be grateful for that."

"What do you mean at your expense?" Nick said putting air quotes around her words.

"Nothing," Ariana waved him off.

Nick pressed his lips together like he was annoyed or angry. He did that a lot lately. Ariana had a lot of secrets due to being a superhero sidekick. Nick didn't know that so he just thought Ariana was being evasive and hiding things. Well, she was. But he thought she was hiding other things. Like the time he had suggested she was cheating on him with Henry.

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