[16] Mouth Candy

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Avoiding Henry was going great for Ariana

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Avoiding Henry was going great for Ariana. Unless you count the time they spent together in class or at work. Which meant most of her day Henry was right there next to her. And here she was about to have to see Henry again.

Ariana walked out into the Man Cave. Her dad and Henry sat at a desk with headphones on.

"Hey guys, whatcha doing?"

"Gah," Ray threw his headphones off and smashed them on the ground.

"We're doing a podcast," Henry said. "This is take number three."

"Without me?" Ariana frowned.

"You've said no to doing a podcast together like ten times," Ray pointed out.

Ariana shrugged. "That's true. Well, go back to your podcast. I'll be quiet."

She took a seat on the couch. Henry handed Ray a new pair of headphones and they began their podcast again.

"You guys!" Charlotte ran in.

"Aw come on!" Ray slammed his headphones on the ground and then kicked them across the room.

"Please don't...," Henry started. "Okay, that's it, we're out of headphones, so..."

"We have an emergency!" Charlotte said.

"What is it?" Ariana asked.

"It's Jasper!"

Henry groaned and dropped his head in his hands. Ray grumbled and paced.

"Not again," Ariana sighed.

"He says that some crazy man is at school, setting a bunch of snakes loose in the hallways!" Charlotte told them.

"Snakes?" Henry asked. 

"I guarantee you that's not happening," Ray said.

"But Jasper sent me a-," 

"Oh, who cares? Last week Jasper called in an "emergency" cause he saw a cloud shaped like a dinosaur," Ray said.

"Yeah, remember Fourth of July, when he got all freaked out by the fireworks cause he thought America was being attacked by Canada?"

Ariana chuckled as she remembered the Fourth of July.

"Yeah. I'd like to see Canada try to attack us," Ray said.

"Well before you guys ignore this, you better watch the video Jasper just texted," Charlotte said.

She showed them the video that Jasper had taken of the snakes in the hallway.

Henry sighed. "C'mon. We gotta go check this out."

"Great. Yeah, let's ruin our afternoon to go help Jasper," Ray scoffed.

"Let's go, Dad," Ariana rolled her eyes.


Henry threw open the doors to the school. Ariana marched through.

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