[13] Undercover Date Crashers

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"I can't believe you're seriously going on a date with that kid," Ray grumbled

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"I can't believe you're seriously going on a date with that kid," Ray grumbled.

Ariana rolled her eyes. Ray had been sulking all day. As if that wasn't bad enough Henry had been obnoxious all day. Henry and Ariana were no longer fighting at least, but he was getting on her last nerve. Charlotte and Jasper had been nothing but supportive. Ray and Henry should take notes.

The five of them sat around upstairs in Junk-n-Stuff waiting for Nick. Because apparently, her life was the most interesting thing going on currently.

The door opened setting the flames of the dinosaur head off. Nick walked in and glanced at it startled.

"Hey," Nick said.

"Hi," Ariana said stepping towards him. "This is my dad, by the way," Ariana gestured to Ray.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Manchester," Nick offered Ray his hand.

Ray took it begrudgingly. "Yeah, sure," he spat.

Ariana shot Ray a look. "Okay, we should go. Bye, guys!" Ariana grabbed Nick's arm and pulled him out the door before her dad could make any more intimidation attempts on Nick.

"You look really pretty," Nick said taking her hand.

"Don't I always?" Ariana teased.

"Of course, but especially tonight," Nick said softly brushing a strand of her hair out of her face with his free hand.

Butterflies exploded in Ariana's stomach. The stars twinkled over them and an amazing boy thought she was pretty. There had never been a more perfect moment.

"You look good too," Ariana said.

Nick grinned at her.

"Don't let it get to your head," Ariana smirked.

"Right," Nick laughed and squeezed her hand.

They walked in silence just enjoying each other's company all the way to the movie theater.

They found their seats in the middle where they both agreed was the best place to sit. Not too close to the screen or the speakers.

"You know, you're the reason I asked my parents to move back to Swellview," Nick said.

"You asked to move back to Swellview just because of me?" Ariana asked.

"We were going to move anyway. And I missed you," Nick admitted.

"We were kids back when we met. What if I'd changed?" Ariana asked.

"I'd always like you," Nick said. "No matter what. There's something about you... It'd be impossible not to like you."

"That might be the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me," Ariana said.

She frowned. It was almost sickeningly sweet. She felt bad once again for her secrets. Would Nick still say that if he knew the truth? Of course, he would. Everyone liked Glitch. Here in front of her was a boy who liked Ariana Manchester simply for being Ariana Manchester. That was what she should focus on.

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