[20] Ariana Gets Benched

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You see anything?" Ray asked Ariana and Henry

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You see anything?" Ray asked Ariana and Henry.

They walked around the bakery looking for signs of Drex.

"There's no one here," Ariana said.

"Why are we here?" Henry asked.

"Look, I know Drex is coming here. He loves this bakery as much as I do," Ray said.

"Uh... How- how do you know he loves it?" Henry said jealously.

"Cause Drex and I used to..."

"What?" Henry asked.

"Guys! I can't take it anymore. Quit!" Ariana interrupted.

"Oh wow," Ray said. "Nut clusters!"

"I'm sorry?" Henry asked.

"It says free nut clusters just reach in hole."

"Did Drex know how much you love Nut Clusters?" Henry asked.

Ariana sighed in exasperation.

"Aw, kid, you gotta stop being so jealous."

"No, I'm asking cause... What if that's a trap?" Henry said.

"Oh, you're right," Ariana said.

"Oh. Okay... We'll each just get one Nut Cluster," Ray stuck his hand in the box.

"Maybe don't-," Ariana started.

"No, don't put your hand in the-," Henry said.

There was a locking sound.

"Are you stuck?" Ariana asked.

Ray attempted to pull his hand free. "Yes. It's probably just broken," he stuck his hand in the other.

"No, don't put your other hand-," Henry warned.

"Dude!" Ariana said.

The door opened and Drex entered. Ariana turned to look at him. Putting a hand on her blaster she teleported away intending to appear behind him. As soon as the light surrounded her Drex threw a bag at her.

"Ariana! No!" Henry yelled.

Then nothing.


"Ariana?" Henry asked.

"Can you hear us," Charlotte said.

Ariana blinked at the light. She sat in the Man Cave on the couch. Her friends were staring at her and Schwoz was pulling a box of Ray's head.

"Yeah. What... what happened? We were about to fight Drex. Why are we back in the Man Cave?"

Ariana glanced around. That's when she saw Drex. But he was frozen in place and strapped into a trap.

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