[10] Take the Wheel

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"Hey, so you're coming with me to Henry's house later right?" Ariana asked Nick

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"Hey, so you're coming with me to Henry's house later right?" Ariana asked Nick.

"Yeah as long as it's okay with him," Nick said.

They stood in front of Ariana's locker in the school hallway.

"Yeah, he suggested it," Ariana said.

"Why?" Nick asked.

Ariana frowned. "I guess cause you're my friend and he's my friend. I mean if you don't want to..."

"If you're there I'm there," Nick reassured.

Ariana grinned at him. "Good. I'll see you after school."

Ariana watched him walk away still grinning. Henry, Jasper, and Charlotte walked up to her.

"You look happy," Charlotte tilted her head at her.

Jasper looked at Nick's retreating figure and back to her. A light bulb seemed to click on above his head. "You still like him don't you?"

"What? Who?" Ariana said quickly.

"Nick," Jasper said.

"Oh, him. No, no. We're just friends."

"But you used to date," Henry pointed out.

"Yeah, but that was so long ago," Ariana said.

"Sure," Charlotte said obviously not believing her.

"Ooh, Ariana's got a crush," Jasper teased.

"Shut up, no I don't," Ariana blushed.

She turned to grab a book from her locker to hide her smile from her friends. When she turned back around she saw Henry frowning. He saw her looking and dropped the frown leaving her to wonder what it was about. Before she could ask the bell rang and Henry made his escape to class. Ariana frowned after the boy.


"Hey, guys, we're here," Ariana opened the door to Henry's house without knocking.

Nick followed her in and glanced around. Charlotte, Jasper, and Henry were sitting on the couch.

"Hey," Jasper said.

"Sup," Henry said.

"Ariana, tell Jasper he's an idiot," Charlotte said.

"Jasper, you're an idiot," Ariana turned to Charlotte. "Why is Jasper an idiot?"

"Jasper thinks...," Charlotte trailed off seeing Nick. "Oh never mind."

Ariana raised an eyebrow but let it go. It was probably about work or something so she couldn't say in front of Nick.

"What are we doing?" Ariana asked throwing herself down next to Henry on the couch.

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