[27] Jealousy Doesn't Suit You

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Nick picked up the lightning bolt charm from the necklace Ariana wore

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Nick picked up the lightning bolt charm from the necklace Ariana wore.

"What's this? You've been wearing it every day since Christmas."

"Oh, Henry gave it to me," Ariana said casually.

"What? Ariana, are you seriously wearing another guy's necklace while you're dating me?" Nick dropped the charm in disbelief.

"It's not from another guy. It's from Henry. And it's not like that. Henry's my best friend. That's it. I don't know why you're being like this," Ariana said.

She glanced around the hallway hoping no one was watching them argue. Everyone seemed absorbed in their own conversations.

"Because it's a guy that likes you," Nick said.

"Henry doesn't like me!"

"I'm not stupid, Ariana. Maybe you are though. Do you not see the way he looks at you? Or maybe you like him too and you're covering it up."

"Jealousy doesn't suit you, Nick," Ariana shouldered her backpack and stormed away.

How dare Nick be mad at her for wearing a necklace her friend gave her? It wasn't up to him what she wore. And he implied she was stupid.


The entire class Ariana and Nick didn't talk. In fact, they didn't even look at each other. Nick stormed out of the room as soon as the bell rang.

"Did you guys break up or something?" Henry asked.

Ariana rolled her eyes. "No. We're just arguing."

"About what?"

Ariana looked up at him. "Nothing," she said after a minute.

Henry frowned. He didn't know what that was about.

Ariana shoved her stuff into her backpack and walked out of the class. Henry followed her, walking quickly to catch up.

"You okay, though?" Henry asked.

"I'm fine," she snapped.

"Okay then," Henry said raising an eyebrow.

"Sorry," Ariana sighed. "I'm not mad at you. Just Nick."

"I can beat him up for you," Henry offered.

She shot him a look. "Just stay away from Nick."

"I've done nothing to him," Henry said defensively.


"Fine, I'll stay out of it," Henry held up his hands in defeat.


Nick stood laughing with his friends. He caught sight of Ariana and walked toward her.

"If you're coming to start another argument just get lost," Ariana said.

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