[18] The Trouble With Frittles

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"Attention! Everyone! Guess who's here!" Miss Shapen said into a megaphone

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"Attention! Everyone! Guess who's here!" Miss Shapen said into a megaphone

Ariana, Jasper, Charlotte, Nick, and the rest of the students stared at her blankly.

"I said guess!" Miss Shapen said.

Ariana glanced at her friends. "Ooh, is it Harry Styles?"

The others threw out random names.

"Wrong!" Miss Shapen yelled. "Here today, with a surprise visit to Swellview Junior High, we have two fellas from the Frittle corporation! Say hello to Ragin' Red Rhubarb and Bodacious Blue Bacon!"

Two guys ran in shooting cans of chips at everyone. Henry walked in just in time to get one shot right at his face. Ariana snickered as he came over to them.

"Everyone turn on the Swellview News!" Miss Shapen told them.

Jasper pulled out his tablet and they all watched. There would be a contest between two chip flavors Ragin' Red Rhubarb and Bodacious Blue Bacon. People could vote online and the winning chip would be the official new flavor.

Nick opened the can of red chips he had caught. He offered one to Ariana.

"This is good," Ariana said.

"Right," Nick said.

"Oh man, this Bodacious Blue Bacon is amazing," Henry said eating one of the blue chips.

"Mm...yeah, but... there's something awesome about the Ragin' Red Rhubarb," Jasper said.

"Char, what are you gonna vote for?" Henry asked.

They all turned to her.

"Neither. I don't have time to vote for some dumb corn chip."

"What? People died for your right to vote... online," Henry said.

Charlotte rolled her eyes and walked away.

"What about you, Ariana?" Henry asked.

"It's really not that deep," Ariana said. "Definitely the Ragin' Red Rhubarb, though. Right, babe?" Ariana looked up at Nick.

"For sure," Nick said.

"I'm definitely voting for the Ragin' Red Rhubarb too," Jasper said.

"Wow," Henry said.

"What?" Ariana asked.

"Nothing. I just thought you guys would see that the best flavor is obviously Bodacious Blue Bacon," Henry said.

Ariana rolled her eyes. "I'm going to class."


Ariana, Henry, and Charlotte walked into Junk-n-Stuff just in time to see Jasper giving a customer a can of Ragin' Red Rhubarb Frittle chips and telling her to vote red. 

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