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I won't be putting photos because I'm so lazy right now... And the previous books I did(drafts) always deleted them and yeah...

ALSO, I (again) am not a doctor, specialist in scents, or whatever, this is just my own knowledge from scents (I was honestly too lazy to use google, as well as google translate, so I hope I wrote the correct stuff.... And I also added some other things with the scents, so yeah)

(Like strawberry isn't dominant- ish of course, but I just put some random things as wel as things I know they can help with) 

Felix→ 17(turns 18)(teehee) First year of college, O block of dorms

Strawberry and flowers→ refreshing and calming towards Alpha/Beta, is yummy ofc

Jeongin→ 20(Beta) Second year of college, B block of dorms

Vanilla→, soothing and soft scent (as if he's soft)

Seungmin→20(Alpha) Second year of college, A block of dorms

Jasmine and Musk→ sexually attracted to scent, calming, dominance(depends on activity)

Jisung→20(Beta) Second year of college, B block of dorms (Works with Chan)

Vanilla→ treatment for fever, spasms, calming scent

Hyunjin→21(Alpha) Second year of college, A block of dorms (Works with Minho)

Oakmoss→ calming, balancing effects, brings connection between people

Changbin→22(Alpha) Third year of college, A block of dorms (Works with Chan)

Incense→ purifying and cleansing the mind

Minho→23(Alpha) Own dancing studio, (Works with Hyunjin)

Patchouli→ helps relieve anger, sadness or fear

Chan→24(Alpha) Studies for degree doctor+ works for big company

Dark woods and Flowers→ calming, tiring

have fun reading this.... thing

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