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I know you're already inside that place.
My soul, blinded by the thirst of sin,
Is craving for it.

You keep whispering.
That low voice of yours,
Keeps me from falling asleep.
I want more, I'm craving more.
To a place no one has found yet.

Yeah, I'm dizzy.
Yeah, how can I stop?
Yeah, I go more crazy.
Yeah, I'm attracted to this mood.

I'm sucked into another world.
Now, this place,
Is it a dream or reality?

Can you guarantee it to me, now?
That all of this is real,
This place where you are is real.
Can you say that's true?

It's already at the end.
We need more light,
Along the route we've been through so many times.
We're standing in front of a new beginning.

Yeah, the lights gathered produce this color.
Follow your dreams, we run endlessly.
Gather your feet for the journey that's ahead of us.

"Precious" - ATEEZ


"Come on, klutz. Get up." Mingi stood tall, orange hair falling over his eyes as he looked down at me. The Goldfinch smirked playfully, reaching out his hand for me to assist with me getting my ass off the deck. I reached up to take his hand, when I heard a hefty grunt tear from him. "Ooof! What the hell, Seonghwa?"

Seonghwa had strode up the steps of the quarter deck, barreling Mingi out of the way, and out of my line of sight entirely, before he could help me up. The Raven looked down at me with a pained expression, dropping to his knee to take my hand gently, ignoring The Goldfinch entirely.

"You mother fucker," I heard Mingi mumble, the annoyance clear in his voice as he grumbled away.

"Gale..." The look of anguish in his eyes nearly killed me, as everything else this day seemed to be trying to do. Seonghwa's hand slid under my head gently, and slowly pulled my back from the deck. I had to rest my head on his shoulder as soon as I sat up. The world was still fuzzy, and my head was spinning like a hurricane on the open sea. "Are you alright?"

"Mmm-hm," I let out a long breath, pulling my head back to look up at him. "I'm fine, Seonghwa." It wasn't entirely a lie, though I was far worse off than I wanted him to believe. Physically speaking I was untouched, but mentally I felt like I had just gone ten rounds with a sea hag.

By all rights, I shouldn't've been alive. The force of the electricity surging through me should've torn me in two, burnt me to a crisp, and left nothing but ash. But yet, I survived, and with not a single mark to be seen on my body. I could not understand why, but I was thankful for it nonetheless.

Looking over Seonghwa's shoulder, I tried to catch sight of the others. Mingi and Wooyoung were already out of sight, having swiftly made their way to the other side of the deck and down the stairs. Yunho was lingering across the way from staircase leading to the lower deck, his back pressed comfortably against the mainmast.

When I finally caught sight of Hongjoong, he was looking right at me, a peculiar expression twisting on his face. It wasn't his normal, sunny disposition. There was something looming just at the surface that reminded me of anger. Turning on his heel after our eyes locked, he headed for the stairs long red coat-tails of his jacket flapping behind him rhythmically. Pulling a slight frown, I let my eyes find Seonghwa's again. The Raven already knew what I was thinking.

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