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On my way home, thinking about nothing.
I fumbled for the phone in my pocket.
Looking at an old photo of myself,
Smiling so brightly in the past.
I wondered how I passed my home again,
And ended up here.

Why did I?
When just one word would've been enough.
It was on the tip of my tongue.
I'm using this song to say it now;
You're my everything.
If only I could turn back time,
If I could see you once more...
If only I could.

I told myself that I'd be fine and turned away,
Only to be wounded by the thorns of regret.
Since losing you, why is it that not once,
Have I been able to face myself?
Only trying to run away.

Why did I?
When just one word would've been enough.
It was on the tip of my tongue.
I'm using this song to say it now;
You're my everything.
If only I could turn back time,
If I could see you once more...
If only I could.

Then I'd be sure to tell you,
That you're my entire reason for living.
I'm going to run back to you.

I will never forget about you,
Not even for a second.
I'll give you this song,
You're my everything...

If only I could tell you, my heart,
If I could meet you again,
That you were my everything.

"Everything" -  Ateez (JONGHO)


Trigger warnings: depictions of violence, brief mention of blood.


"We're almost there." The Sparrow looked back from where he'd been walking slightly ahead of me, a small smile spreading across his stoic face. I didn't fault him for not walking beside me. It was incredibly clear he was nervous to be around me, and rather than finding him stepping ahead rude, I found it quite cute.

"Yah... You're not leading me to a secluded section of the ship to murder me, are you?" I teased, feigning fear as best as I could through the urge to laugh. I had told him I'd never let him threatening to kill me down, and I meant that.

"Wh-- Christ, Gale! Of course I'm not doing that!" Jongho's expression twisted to disbelief for a moment, before he pulled the tiniest frown I'd ever seen. It wasn't that the frown was slight, but rather his lips had scrunched together so much that they appeared to shrink.

"Nongdamiya.~" I sang softly, shooting him a shit eating grin. In that moment, I realized why Mingi liked to tease me so much. Because the look of flustered annoyance on Jongho's face was priceless, and if I looked half as adorable when I was teased then it all made sense. "I trust you, Jongho."

"You weren't kidding about teasing me forever, where you?" The Sparrow's gentle voice sounded calm even when cursing under his breath. I hadn't realized how smooth the timbre of his speech could be until then, and I felt a delightful shiver run down my spine for it. "Aishhh..."

Eventually, we arrived at the staircase that led down to the underbelly of The Blackbird. I had nearly forgotten there was a lower level to the underdeck, honestly. I hadn't yet been down there, and I had assumed it was just used for storage purposes.

"Uwaaa... you really are going to kill me, aren't you?" I gasped as I stepped beside him at the top of the staircase, glancing down into the dark that lingered at the bottom of the staircase before looking over to Jongho with narrowed eyes. I couldn't hide my smile, however. 

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