Chapter 4: Awakening the Crystal Warrior

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The dojo was bathed in the soft glow of lantern light, casting shadows that danced on the walls as Tsukiyo entered, her heart pounding with anticipation and reverence.

Before her stood Hikari, the former Crystal Pillar, her presence commanding respect and admiration.

"Tsukiyo," Hikari began, her voice gentle yet firm, "today marks the beginning of your training to become a Demon Slayer. Are you ready to embark on this journey?"

With a nod of affirmation, Tsukiyo replied, "Yes, Hikari-san."

Hiroshi supported Tsukiyo with enthusiasm, joining her in training. "I'll be right beside you. Let's strive to become the greatest demon slayers, just like Hikari-neesan!"

Hikari smiled warmly, pleased by Tsukiyo's and Hiroshi's commitment and resolve. "Very well. Let us begin."

To commence Tsukiyo's training, Hikari and Hiroshi introduced her to the foundational principles of swordsmanship. Hikari presented Tsukiyo with a wooden sword, imparting, "The sword is an extension of yourself, Tsukiyo. Respect it, wield it with precision, and it will serve you well."

Carefully gripping the sword, Tsukiyo mirrored Hikari's stance, inquiring, "Like this, Hikari-san?"

"Exactly," Hikari affirmed, her voice filled with encouragement as she guided Tsukiyo's movements. "Now, let's practice some basic strikes."

Together, Hikari and Hiroshi demonstrated and practiced strikes, their movements harmonious and synchronized, laying the groundwork for Tsukiyo's journey into the world of swordsmanship.

After weeks of intense practices of the swordsmanship drills, Tsukiyo was finally introduced to the Breath Techniques. "Controlled breathing is the foundation of your strength and speed in battle," Hikari explained.

Tsukiyo took a deep breath, trying to mimic Hikari's rhythm. "It's harder than it looks, Hikari-san."

"Patience and practice, Tsukiyo," Hikari reassured her. "Focus on your breathing and synchronize it with your movements."

Hikari shared that there are a total of ten Crystal Breathings for Tsukiyo and Hiroshi to master.

Hiroshi has successfully mastered the first through fifth forms and is currently working towards mastering the remaining techniques that demand a greater amount of energy. This proves challenging for Hiroshi due to his more delicate physical condition. Nonetheless, Hiroshi excels in executing the techniques of the first through fifth forms.

First Form: Crystal Strike

This breathing style focuses on channelling energy into the Nichirin sword, transforming it into a crystalline blade capable of cutting through even the toughest demon flesh. The user strikes with precision and strength, shattering obstacles and enemies alike.

Second Form: Ruby Rain

The user breathes out, summoning a storm of crystalline shards that rain down on her enemies, piercing through their defences and causing widespread damage.

Third Form: Sapphire Cascade

This technique allows the user to crystallise their breath into sharp projectiles, launching them at high speed towards enemies. The projectiles are razor-sharp and can penetrate demon defences with ease.

Fourth Form: Luminous Whip

The user focuses their breath into a flexible crystal whip, striking and disarming demons from a distance, manipulating the battlefield with its unique properties.

Fifth Form: Prism Piercer

The user channels their breath into the blade, transforming it into a multi-colored spear that pierces through demons with intense refractive force, causing internal damage.

Sixth Form: Diamond Drill

The user focuses their breath into a crystal-tipped drill, drilling through demon defences and barriers with unstoppable force, shattering them upon contact.

Seventh Form: Emerald Edge

The user exhales with intent, infusing their weapon with crystal energy that forms a serrated, razor-sharp edge, increasing the slashing power and causing bleeding wounds on demons.

Eighth Form: Crystal Barrier

By focusing on breathing and energy, the user envelops oneself in a shimmering cloak of crystal to enhance defence and reduce effectiveness of physical attacks.

Ninth Form: Crystal Amplification

This advanced breathing style enhances the user's physical abilities and techniques by infusing them with crystalline energy. It boosts strength, speed, and endurance, allowing for more powerful and sustained attacks against demons.

Tenth Form: Celestial Crystal Resonance

This advanced breathing style combines multiple crystal-based techniques into a synchronised sequence, creating a mesmerising and harmonious symphony of attacks and defences. The user can adapt and modify their techniques on the fly, responding dynamically to changing battlefield conditions and enemy strategies.

The ninth and tenth forms of the Crystal Breathing Techniques are typically employed in tandem, reserved for dire situations when confronting exceptionally powerful demons becomes unavoidable. This combined technique is seldom utilised due to the inherent risks it poses to the user's life. The immense strain, pressure, and energy demanded to generate and sustain the colossal crystalline assaults and compression forces expose the user to substantial physical peril, jeopardising their well-being and stability.

After the dust settles and the crystalline storm subsides, the aftermath of invoking the ninth and tenth forms leaves the user in a vulnerable state of physical and mental exhaustion. The body feels heavy, limbs trembling from the exertion, as if drained of vitality and strength. A profound weariness settles deep within, accompanied by lingering aches and pains that echo the intensity of the battle. Mentally, a fog of fatigue clouds the mind, dulling clarity and focus, making it challenging to muster the sharpness and precision required for combat or strategic thinking. The user may fall into comatose state due to the profound toll and strain exerted on both body and spirit during the execution of these formidable techniques.

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