Chapter 41: The Heaviness of Absence

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Days turned into weeks, and Tsukiyo tried to lead her life as normally as possible.

Tsukiyo found herself often navigating the halls of the Demon Slayer Corps headquarters with a heavy heart. She would often catch glimpses of Sanemi in the training grounds or during briefings, his stoic facade masking the turmoil she knew lay beneath the surface.

Outside of their official duties, Tsukiyo made a conscious effort to avoid him whenever possible. She couldn't bear the sight of him, the reminder of what could have been a constant dagger to her wounded heart. Each passing moment seemed to magnify the absence of his presence, the void he left behind a gaping chasm she struggled to fill.

One afternoon, Tsukiyo sat alone beneath the shade of a cherry blossom tree, her thoughts consumed by memories of her confession to Sanemi. The gentle rustle of leaves was interrupted by the approach of footsteps, and she looked up to see Giyu approaching with a serene expression.

"Mind if I join you?" he asked softly, his voice breaking through the silence.

Tsukiyo shook her head, offering him a small smile as he settled beside her. "Not at all. It's nice to have some company."

They sat in companionable silence for a while, the gentle breeze weaving through the branches above them. Tsukiyo found herself drawn to Giyu's calm presence, a soothing balm to her restless soul.

"I've noticed you've been... different lately," Giyu spoke up after a while, his gaze fixed on the horizon. "Is everything okay?"

Tsukiyo hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal. She couldn't possibly burden him with her own troubles, especially when he had so much on his plate already.

"It's nothing," she replied with a forced smile, hoping to brush off his concern. "Just feeling a bit tired, that's all."

But Giyu's keen intuition wouldn't let her off that easily. He turned to her, his eyes searching hers with a depth of understanding that took her breath away.

"You don't have to pretend with me, Amano," he said gently. "I may not always know the right words to say, but I'm here for you, no matter what."

Tsukiyo felt a lump form in her throat at his words, the weight of her unspoken burdens threatening to spill over. She had always been the one to lend an ear to others, to offer comfort and support in their times of need. But now, faced with Giyu's unwavering kindness, she found herself unable to keep up the facade any longer.

"I... I confessed to Sanemi," she admitted quietly, her voice barely above a whisper. "But he rejected me."

Giyu's expression softened as he listened, his silence a comforting embrace in itself. He may not have known the specifics of her situation, but he understood the pain that Tsukiyo must have been feeling.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Amano," he said softly, unsure how to comfort her.

Tears welled up in Tsukiyo's eyes, threatening to spill over at any moment. She blinked them back, refusing to let her emotions get the best of her.

"It's okay," she said with a shaky smile. "I'll be fine. I just need some time to... process everything."

Giyu nodded, his gaze never wavering from hers. "I will be here for you, if you need someone to talk to."

With those words, the weight on Tsukiyo's shoulders felt a little lighter, the burden of her pain shared with someone who truly understood. And as they sat together beneath the cherry blossom tree, the gentle rustle of leaves a soothing backdrop to their shared moment of vulnerability, Tsukiyo knew that she wasn't alone in her struggles. With Giyu by her side, she had a glimmer of hope that she would find her way through the darkness, one step at a time.

Unbeknownst to Tsukiyo, her efforts to avoid Sanemi had not gone unnoticed. Sanemi, despite his rough exterior, had always been acutely aware of the people around him. He had sensed the change in Tsukiyo's behaviour, the way she seemed to vanish whenever he entered a room, the way she avoided his gaze during meetings.

It wasn't until a particularly gruelling training session, when he had pushed himself to the brink of exhaustion, that Sanemi confronted his own feelings. As he sat alone in the dojo, sweat dripping from his brow, he realised that Tsukiyo's absence was more than just a coincidence. He replayed the moments they had shared and the times her presence had brought him a strange sense of calm he hadn't felt in years.

Determined to get to the bottom of it, Sanemi decided to seek her out. He wandered the grounds, his mind racing with thoughts of what he would say. Finally, he spotted her in the distance, standing by the edge of a tranquil pond, her reflection shimmering on the water's surface.

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