Chapter 9: The New Recruits of the Demon Slayer Corps

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With their newly assigned Kasugai Crows, Yoru and Rai, perching on their shoulders, Tsukiyo and Hiroshi made their way back to their training grounds. Their steps were lighter, their spirits buoyant. The journey had been arduous, but they had emerged stronger and victorious.

Upon reaching the training grounds, Tsukiyo and Hiroshi spotted Hikari, who was awaiting their return. Her eyes lit up as she saw them approach, and she quickly closed the distance between them, enveloping them both in a tight embrace.

"You did it," Hikari whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "I knew you both had it in you."

Tsukiyo and Hiroshi exchanged a look before breaking into wide grins. "We couldn't have done it without your guidance, Hikari-neesan," Hiroshi said earnestly.

"And without each other," Tsukiyo added, placing a hand on Hiroshi's shoulder. "We faced the challenges together."

Hikari's eyes shimmered with pride as she looked at the two young Demon Slayers before her. "I'm so proud of you both," she said, her voice cracking slightly.

"Tell me everything," Hikari said, her eyes twinkling with curiosity.

And so, Tsukiyo and Hiroshi recounted their intense mountain ordeal, describing their face-offs with demons and how they surmounted each obstacle, including their unexpected encounter with Sanemi.

While sharing their stories, Tsukiyo's mind briefly drifted to Sanemi. She found herself wondering if, now as fellow Demon Slayers, they might run into each other again someday, especially since they hadn't had a chance to bade farewell properly after parting ways at the mountaintop shrine.

"Caw! Caw! Mission alert!" Yoru's sharp cry jolted Tsukiyo from her reverie. She blinked in surprise; it seemed her first mission as a Demon Slayer had arrived sooner than expected, barely after her initiation into the corps.

Hiroshi's eyes widened, a hint of surprise flashing across his face. "Already? That was fast," he remarked, clearly intrigued by the sudden assignment.

Hikari looked up, her expression turning serious yet proud. "It seems your training has prepared you sooner than we anticipated," she said, her tone thoughtful. "Remember, Tsukiyo, every mission is a chance to prove yourself and grow stronger."

Tsukiyo nodded, determined to do her very best for the mission.

As Tsukiyo set off for her first mission, Yoru accompanied her, providing her instructions on where the place of the mission is at. 

Tsukiyo was tasked with tracking down and eliminating a demon that had been terrorising a remote village located deep within a dense, foreboding forest. Reports described the demon as cunning and dangerous, having already claimed several lives.

Equipped with her blue nichirin blade and accompanied by her Kasugai Crow, Yoru, Tsukiyo set out to the mission area. The forest was eerily quiet as she ventured deeper into its depths.

As the hours passed, Tsukiyo encountered several signs of the demon's presence—disturbed foliage, lingering malevolent aura, and the occasional terrified whispers of woodland creatures. 

Though Tsukiyo is nervous being on her own for the mission without Hiroshi by her side this time, her determination grew with each clue

The sun began to set, casting long, ominous shadows across the forest floor. Suddenly, Tsukiyo found herself face to face with a demon. 

The demon stood tall and humanoid, its jagged teeth and glowing eyes emitting a chilling aura. Its skin resembled cracked, weathered stone, and its hands were tipped with razor-sharp talons capable of inflicting fatal wounds with a single swipe.

"This must be the demon that the village is talking about," thought Tsukiyo. Without hesitation, Tsukiyo unsheathed her Nichirin blade, her hands steady despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins.

The demon lunged at Tsukiyo with lightning speed, its talons aimed for her heart. Tsukiyo parried the attack with her Nichirin blade, the impact sending shockwaves through her arms. She countered with a swift slash, but the demon dodged, its movements fluid and unpredictable.

"Crystal Breathing, Fifth Form: Prism Piercer!" Tsukiyo exclaimed, channelling her breathing technique into her blade. A shimmering aura surrounded her Nichirin blade as she thrust it towards the demon, aiming for its head.

The demon roared in pain as Tsukiyo's blade pierced its skin. "My-my, look at what you've done! But you're still too weak!" With lightning speed, the demon retaliated, swiping its talons and grazing Tsukiyo's arm. Blood spurted from the wound, but Tsukiyo gritted her teeth, ignoring the pain as she focused on the task at hand.

As Tsukiyo recoiled from the attack, the demon lunged at her again, its claws aimed directly at her head.

"Wind Breathing, First Form: Dust Whirlwind Cutter!" a familiar voice echoed through the forest. Sanemi emerged from the shadows, his Nichirin blade glowing a brilliant shade of green. With a swift motion, he sliced through the air, sending a gust of wind towards the demon.

Caught off guard, the demon staggered back, giving Tsukiyo the opportunity she needed. With a determined shout, she channeled her energy into her blade once more.

"Crystal Breathing, Second Form: Ruby Rain!" Tsukiyo executed a series of rapid slashes, each strike resonating with the power of her breathing technique, summoning a storm of crystalline shards that assailed the demon. The creature howled in agony as Tsukiyo's shards sliced through its defences, severing its limbs one by one.

Finally, with a powerful thrust, Sanemi drove his Nichirin blade through the demon's head, ending its reign of terror once and for all. "You horrid humans, how dare you behead me, I will never let you off!" The demon cursed as it disintegrated into ash, its malevolent aura dissipating into the night.

Breathing heavily, Tsukiyo turned to Sanemi, their eyes locking. "Looks like I owe you one again, Shinazugawa-san," she said, her voice filled with a mix of gratitude and respect. Tsukiyo hadn't expected their first mission as Demon Slayers to bring them together.

Sanemi replied gruffly, sheathing his Nichirin blade. "But you need to be more careful. You could have been killed."

Tsukiyo's cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and indignation. "I had the situation under control," she retorted, her voice laced with defiance.

Sanemi raised an eyebrow, his gaze piercing. "Really? Because it looked like you were about to become demon fodder before I intervened."

Tsukiyo's jaw clenched, but before she could respond, Yoru cawed loudly, breaking the tension.

"Caw! Caw! Mission complete!" Yoru announced, fluttering excitedly around Tsukiyo.

Tsukiyo sighed, the anger draining from her. "Let's go home, Yoru," she murmured, sheathing her blade and turning away from Sanemi.

"Hey, crystal girl," Sanemi called out as Tsukiyo turned away.

Hearing Sanemi's voice, Tsukiyo halted and spun back around. "The name's Tsukiyo Amano. What's up, wind boy?"

"Whatever," Sanemi replied. "Is this yours?" Sanemi extended a crystal earring towards Tsukiyo. It was a gift from Hikari, serving as a good luck charm for her journey as a Demon Slayer. Hiroshi had a crystal ring. It held immense sentimental value for Tsukiyo.

Her eyes widened in recognition and she gratefully replied, "Yes, this is mine! It's very precious to me! Thank you, Shinazugawa-san!"

"Looks like the crystal girl has her moods," Sanemi commented, tossing a cloth to Tsukiyo.

Catching it, Tsukiyo looked at Sanemi with a puzzled expression, tilting her head.

Sanemi gestured towards Tsukiyo's earlier wound and indicated she should bandage it. With a dismissive wave, he turned and walked away.

Even harsh wind can sometimes feel gentle and warm. Tsukiyo mused.

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