Chapter 46: Silent Threats

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After weeks of recovery, Tsukiyo finally felt strong enough to leave the Butterfly Mansion.

The air was crisp, and the sunlight felt like a warm embrace on her skin. She breathed in deeply, ready to face the world again.

However, her peace was short-lived when Kaito approached her with a troubled expression.

"Tsukiyo-sama, I need to talk to you," Kaito said urgently.

She turned to him, noting the worry in his eyes. "What's wrong, Kaito?"

"It's Hiroshi. He's been acting really strange lately, and no one seems to know why. He's avoiding everyone, and when I tried to talk to him, he just brushed me off. I thought you might know something." Kaito explained.

Tsukiyo's heart sank. Hiroshi had always been a steadfast brother and friend to her, and the thought of him in distress worried her deeply. "I've tried contacting him, but he hasn't been responding. I'll keep trying. Thank you for letting me know, Kaito."

As she pondered Hiroshi's strange behaviour, another weight pressed heavily on her mind—the threatening letters. They had been arriving regularly at her mansion, with Yoru delivering them to her during her stay at the Butterfly Mansion. Each letter was filled with ominous warnings about her position as the Crystal Pillar, their sinister words echoing in her thoughts.

When she arrived back at her mansion, she noticed a small envelope slipped under her door.

Her heart skipped a beat, a sense of foreboding washing over her. She reached for it with trembling hands, unfolding the note to reveal its ominous message:

"Crystal Pillar, your light will soon be extinguished."

Her breath caught in her throat. It wasn't the first letter she had received.

Over the past few weeks, similar threats had found their way to her, each one more menacing than the last. The words echoed in her mind, a constant reminder of the danger lurking in the shadows.

Instinctively, her thoughts turned to Sanemi. In the past, she would have sought him out immediately, his presence a comforting fortress in times of distress. She would have shared every detail, seeking his advice and drawing strength from his unyielding resolve.

But now, everything was different. Their relationship had shifted, tangled in unspoken feelings and unresolved emotions. The confession she had made before the mission weighed heavily on her heart, making it hard to face him with the same openness as before.

Feeling a pang of sadness, Tsukiyo decided to confide in someone else. She found Mitsuri Kanroji in the courtyard, her vibrant energy a stark contrast to Tsukiyo's subdued mood. As she approached, she noticed Obanai Iguro standing nearby, his watchful eyes always on Mitsuri.

"Tsukiyo!" Mitsuri called out cheerfully, her smile wide and welcoming. "It's so good to see you up and about!"

"Hey, Mitsuri," Tsukiyo replied, her voice quieter than usual. "Can we talk? It's... it's important."

Mitsuri's expression shifted to concern, and she nodded. "Of course. Let's sit over here."

They moved to a quieter corner, where Shinobu Kocho soon joined them, her presence as calming as always.

Tsukiyo took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the latest threat letter, handing it to Mitsuri with a shaky hand.

As Mitsuri read the letter, her eyes widened in shock. "Tsukiyo, this is serious! How long have you been getting these?"

"A few weeks now," Tsukiyo admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't know where the letter is from, and I didn't want to worry anyone unnecessarily at first."

Shinobu, who had been listening intently, placed a reassuring hand on Tsukiyo's shoulder. "You're right to share this with us. We need to take these threats seriously. Have you noticed anything unusual or suspicious lately?"

Tsukiyo shook her head. "No, just these letters. They always seem to find me, no matter where I am."

Obanai, who had been silent until now, spoke up. "You should be cautious, Amano. If these threats are real, your safety is at risk."

"We'll increase security around you, Amano. Whoever is sending these threats won't find it easy to get close to you." Obanai added.

Tsukiyo appreciated their support, but the fear gnawed at her, a constant reminder of her vulnerability. As they discussed measures to ensure her safety, she couldn't help but think of Sanemi again. Despite everything, a part of her still longed to share this burden with him, to feel his strength beside her. Shinobu volunteered to accompany Tsukiyo back to the Butterfly Mansion first, to also ensure her safety in the meantime.

Later that day, Obanai stood silently, his ever-watchful gaze sweeping over the grounds. He had just finished speaking with Mitsuri and Shinobu about the troubling letters Tsukiyo had been receiving. The weight of the news sat heavily on him, and he couldn't shake the feeling that more needed to be done.

As he made his way towards the training grounds, he spotted Sanemi practising alone, his intense focus and raw power evident in every movement. Obanai hesitated for a moment, knowing the complexities of Sanemi's relationship with Tsukiyo. Yet, he couldn't let this information remain unspoken. Tsukiyo's safety was at stake, and despite Sanemi's rough exterior, Obanai knew he cared deeply for her.

"Shinazugawa," Obanai called out, his voice steady and calm.

Sanemi paused mid-strike, turning to face Obanai with a raised eyebrow. "What do you want, Iguro?" he grumbled, wiping sweat from his brow.

Obanai approached, his expression serious. "I need to talk to you about something important. It's about Amano."

Sanemi's eyes narrowed, his grip tightening on his weapon. "What about her?"

Taking a deep breath, Obanai decided to lay it out plainly. "Amano has been receiving threatening letters. Someone is targeting her because she's the Crystal Pillar."

The change in Sanemi was immediate. His eyes widened, and a dangerous glint appeared. "What? Why didn't she tell me?" he demanded, his voice rising with anger and concern.

Obanai held up a hand to calm him. "She confided in Mitsuri and Shinobu. I believe she's been struggling with how to handle this, and perhaps she didn't want to burden you further."

Sanemi's fists clenched at his sides, a storm of emotions brewing within him. "Burden me? She's in danger, and she thinks it's a burden?"

"Shinazugawa," Obanai said firmly, "you know how she is. Amano tries to handle things on her own, even when she shouldn't. But this isn't something she can handle alone. She needs your support, even if she doesn't say it."

Sanemi's jaw tightened, his mind racing. Memories of their time together flooded back, the way Tsukiyo always tried to put others before herself, even at her own expense. The thought of her facing such threats without him knowing tore at him.

"Where is she now?" Sanemi asked, his voice a mix of determination and urgency.

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