Chapter 18: Girls' Night

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Sanemi traversed the dimly illuminated streets, his mind still consumed by thoughts of Tsukiyo. 

Amidst the quiet night, a glimmer caught his eye—a delicate crystal necklace shaped like a crescent moon, its facets catching the ambient light in a mesmerising display.

A memory flickered in his mind—a flashback to Tsukiyo wearing crystal earrings, a cherished possession of hers.



"Is this yours?" Sanemi extended a crystal earring towards Tsukiyo. It was a gift from Hikari, serving as a good luck charm for her journey as a Demon Slayer.

Her eyes widened in recognition and she gratefully replied, "Yes, this is mine! It's very precious to me! Thank you, Shinazugawa-san!"


Recognising her affinity for such accessories, Sanemi resolved to purchase the necklace, intending it as a form of apology to Tsukiyo.

Meanwhile, Tsukiyo made her way to Shinobu's mansion for a much-needed stayover.

Unbeknownst to her, Sanemi arrived at her mansion, his heart heavy with remorse. However, upon searching the premises, he found no trace of Tsukiyo.

"Where did the crystal girl go?" Fearing for her safety and still grappling with the aftermath of their previous encounter, Sanemi resolved to wait for her outside her residence.

In the meantime, within the tranquil confines of Shinobu's mansion, bathed in the soft glow of candlelight, Shinobu shared insights into Sanemi's complex persona.

"You see, Sanemi may appear outwardly brash and unwavering, but beneath that tough exterior lies a kind heart," she began, her voice carrying a mixture of warmth and reverence. "He's endured unbearable losses at the hands of demons, and it's shaped him into the person he is today."

Mitsuri, her curiosity piqued, leaned forward, her eyes wide with interest. "Losses? What kind?" she inquired, eager to unravel the layers of her fellow Hashira's past.

Shinobu's gaze turned distant as she delved into memories of sorrow and resilience. "Sanemi lost everything to the demons," she explained solemnly. "His family, his closest friend Kumeno, and even Kanae..."

"Kanae?" Tsukiyo echoed, her tone curious as she sought clarification on the unfamiliar name.

Shinobu nodded, her expression heavy with grief. "Yes, Kanae was my sister," she confessed, her voice tinged with sorrow.

"Sanemi and my sister's connection ran deeper than mere comradeship at one point in time. But tragically, Kanae met her end at the hands of a demon."

Mitsuri's heart constricted at the thought of such a profound loss. "How devastating," she murmured, her eyes glistening with empathy.

Tsukiyo's heart aches for the pain both Shinobu and Sanemi must have endured. "I'm so sorry to hear that," she offered, her voice filled with genuine concern. "It must have been incredibly difficult for both Shinazugawa and you."

Shinobu's touch on Tsukiyo's shoulder offered solace as she continued, "Indeed, it was. Yet despite the pain, Sanemi has remained resolute in his determination to shield others from suffering a similar fate. That's the essence of who he truly is."

Tsukiyo felt a pang of empathy for Sanemi's plight. She understood all too well the weight of loss and the scars it leaves behind.

The atmosphere was heavy, but grew lighter as Mitsuri's infectious energy filled the room. "All right! Let's make the most of this girls' night," she exclaimed, trying to cheer the girls up and lighten the atmosphere. "We don't get moments like this every day, after all!"

Tsukiyo and Shinobu nodded in agreement, determined to embrace the present moment.

As the Love Hashira, Mitsuri couldn't resist teasing Tsukiyo with a playful wink. "So, Tsukiyo, any Hashira catching your eye lately? Come on, spill the tea!"

Caught off guard by Mitsuri's directness, Tsukiyo felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment. "M-Me? Oh, uh, I don't think so," she stammered, feeling flustered by the unexpected question. "I-I'm still getting to know everyone, so... yeah."

"What if you have to choose one? Who will you choose?" Shinobu pried on.

Tsukiyo attempted to deflect the attention back to Mitsuri. "How about we let Mitsuri answer that?"

Now, it was Mitsuri's turn to feel flustered by the sudden question. "Um-me? Um-I would, uh... How about we each say a name on the count of three?"

"On the count of three," Mitsuri announces, excitement gleaming in her eyes. "One... two... three!"




Mitsuri realised she was the only one who had revealed a name after the count of three. "Hey! This isn't fair! Why am I the only one who answered?"

Shinobu chuckled softly. "My dear, we hadn't even agreed, and you jumped ahead to reveal your answer so quickly."

Tsukiyo stifled a laugh. "I couldn't think of anyone just yet."

Mitsuri pouted playfully. "You all owe me your answers once you've thought of someone!"

"So... Iguro-san, huh?" Shinobu winked playfully at Mitsuri. Mitsuri blushed hard and hid her face behind the pillow.

The girls erupted into laughter, finding humour in the situation. After the merriment subsided, they settled down, feeling closer and more connected than before.

They spent the rest of the evening sharing stories, enjoying snacks, and bonding over their experiences as Hashira.

As the night wore on, Tsukiyo found herself feeling grateful for the unexpected friendship and warmth she had found in her fellow Hashira. With a newfound sense of camaraderie, she drifted off to sleep.

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