Chapter 25: Tsukiyo's Heartbeat

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After trudging through the scorching heat and bustling streets to procure ingredients and household necessities for Sanemi's mansion, Tsukiyo finally returned, her energy drained by the day's errands.

As she unloaded the bags and boxes, sweat clinging to her skin from the unforgiving sun, Tsukiyo caught sight of Sanemi sprawled on the tatami mat, sound asleep.

Despite his usually stern demeanour, there was an unexpected softness to his features in slumber. Drawn by an inexplicable impulse, she approached him cautiously, her steps tentative as if afraid to disturb his peace.

Standing beside him, Tsukiyo couldn't help but marvel at the serene expression that graced Sanemi's face, so different from his usual scowl. His hair, usually tousled and unkempt, now lay in gentle waves around his head, soft strands catching the light in a way that accentuated his rugged charm.

With trembling fingers, she reached out to trace the jagged lines of scars that marred his features, each one a testament to the battles he had fought and the demons he had vanquished. Memories of Genya's revelations echoed in her mind, adding a layer of complexity to her emotions as she gazed upon Sanemi's sleeping form.

Lost in her thoughts, Tsukiyo was startled when Sanemi suddenly jerked awake, his grip on her arm firm and strong as he flipped her beneath him in a swift motion.

"Who the hell are you?" Sanemi's voice was rough with sleep and suspicion, his eyes narrowing as he scanned Tsukiyo's face.

His gaze softened into curiosity when he realized it was Tsukiyo. "What? It's you, Amano. What are you doing?"

Tsukiyo's cheeks flushed crimson, her heart pounding in her chest as she struggled to find the right words to explain herself. "I... I was just..." she stammered, her voice trailing off as she met Sanemi's piercing gaze.

Tsukiyo found herself speechless, grappling with how to explain the situation. How could she possibly tell Sanemi about the sudden impulse to touch his scars, to trace the contours of his face, and to feel the softness of his hair? 

It was as if something primal within her had been awakened, a deep-seated longing that she couldn't begin to comprehend. She herself was puzzled by her actions, unable to decipher the tangled web of emotions that had led her to this moment.

What is wrong with me? Tsukiyo thought.

The air between them crackled with tension, the weight of their proximity hanging heavy in the room. Tsukiyo's breath caught in her throat as she found herself unable to look away from Sanemi's intense gaze, her pulse racing beneath his touch.

As they lay there in silence with their faces mere inches apart, Tsukiyo couldn't help but feel acutely aware of the warmth of Sanemi's body pressed against hers, the steady rhythm of his breathing a comforting presence in the otherwise still room.

As Sanemi's grogginess waned, he gradually became aware of the awkwardness of their position. With a sudden jolt of realisation, he pushed himself up, putting some distance between himself and Tsukiyo.

"Uh, sorry about that," he muttered, his voice tinged with embarrassment.

Tsukiyo felt her cheeks flush with heat as she scrambled to sit up, her heart pounding in her chest. "No, it's... I mean, I should apologise. I didn't mean to startle you," she stammered, her words coming out in a rush.

Sanemi glanced away, his cheeks still tinged with colour. "It's fine. Let's just forget it happened," he said, his tone slightly gruff.

Tsukiyo let out a silent breath of relief, grateful for the abrupt shift in their stance. It spared her the need to answer his question, sparing her the embarrassment of trying to explain her inexplicable actions.

However, her relief was short-lived as Sanemi's voice rang out again, loud and commanding.

"Well, now that you're back, make yourself useful and prepare some snacks for my tea break. I have a mission coming up, and I need sustenance. And while I'm away, make sure the entire mansion is spotless. I don't want to see a speck of dust when I return. If I do, you'll be cleaning it all over again, no matter where you are."

Tsukiyo let out a frustrated breath, and with a forced smile, she answered, "Of course, Shinazugawa. I'll ensure everything is taken care of to your satisfaction." She knew she had to fulfil her end of the bargain, but the prospect of being at Sanemi's mercy for the next month loomed over her like a dark cloud.

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