Chapter 52: True Feelings

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As Tsukiyo and Sanemi set off on their mission, the air between them was thick with tension and unspoken words. The path ahead seemed endless, the silence oppressive. Each step they took echoed the unresolved emotions simmering just below the surface.

Sanemi's gaze was fixed on the horizon, but his thoughts were in turmoil. The weight of his frustration and confusion pressed down on him, making the journey feel even more arduous. He couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Why did you choose Tomioka as your partner over me?" Sanemi demanded, breaking the silence with a voice edged with frustration. "Haven't we been working well together? We have great rapport and have partnered up many times for missions!"

Tsukiyo stopped in her tracks, the question hitting her like a blow. Her eyes widened at his outburst, but she kept her voice calm. "I've formed a strong bond with Tomioka too. I trust him, and I'm certain we'll work well together too. He's a great Hashira, Sanemi. You shouldn't always be so biased against him."

Sanemi's eyes darkened, a vein throbbing at his temple. "That stuck-up guy who thinks he's so different and better than us?" His tone dripped with bitterness.

"You've got him wrong! He doesn't mean that, he's actually—" Tsukiyo began, but Sanemi cut her off.

"Oh wow, so now you understand what he's thinking too?" he sneered. "You've gotten so close to him, huh?"

"Tomioka is a good friend, and I've gotten to know him. It's only natural to understand your friends," Tsukiyo retorted, her patience fraying.

Sanemi's jaw clenched. "Why did you choose him over me? We have a great partnership. We've faced so much together. Why him?"

"Why do you care so much about my decision?" Tsukiyo countered, her voice rising. The truth—that she had chosen Tomioka to avoid the pain of being close to Sanemi—was something she couldn't bear to admit.

Sanemi's eyes flashed with something raw, something vulnerable. "Did you choose that Water guy because I rejected you?" His voice cracked as he spoke, the words tearing out of him like a confession.

A lump formed in Tsukiyo's throat. She didn't want to acknowledge the truth in his accusation. She turned her gaze away, unable to meet his eyes.

"Answer me!" Sanemi grabbed her arm, his grip tight but not painful, forcing her to face him. His eyes were wild, desperate.

Tsukiyo pulled away, her heart pounding. "No, why would that be a factor?" She avoided his gaze, her voice trembling. "I chose who I thought I'd work better with for this mission. I feel comfortable working with Tomioka. He brings me peace and calmness. He's reliable, and I feel at ease and safe with him. It has nothing to do with what happened between us, Sanemi."

Sanemi's expression twisted with a mix of pain and anger, his voice breaking. "You think I don't make you feel safe? That I'm not reliable?"

"I don't mean that!" Tsukiyo's voice trembled. "I just thought working with Tomioka would be better for this mission. I figured you wouldn't want to work with me anyway, so why are you so upset?"

"Dammit, who said I didn't want to work with you?" Sanemi cursed, his frustration mounting. "I pushed you away because I was scared—scared I wasn't over my feelings for Kanae, scared of what it would mean for us as demon slayers. But it didn't mean I didn't want to work with you!"

Tsukiyo's heart ached. She understood Sanemi's lingering feelings for Kanae, but hearing it again stung deeply. "It's okay, Sanemi, I understand—" Her voice cracked, her heart breaking all over again.

"No, you don't understand!" Sanemi exclaimed. "I was a fool," he continued, his voice raw with emotion. "A coward. I thought I couldn't move on from my feelings for Kanae. I thought I was protecting you by keeping my distance, but I was only hurting you. Hurting myself." He took a step closer, his hand reaching out but hesitating, afraid to touch her. "But seeing you with someone else, it... it drives me insane."

Tsukiyo's eyes widened in surprise. "Sanemi..."

"I don't want to lose you. I can't stand the thought of you with anyone else, damn it!" Sanemi said, his voice trembling.

Sanemi took another step forward, his expression earnest as he reached out to gently brush a strand of hair from her face. "And I realised now that I made a mistake. I shouldn't have pushed you away."

"I can't ignore how I feel anymore. Amano Tsukiyo, I have fallen for you. I love you." Sanemi confessed.

Tears welled up in Tsukiyo's eyes. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Sanemi gently wiped her tears away, cupping her face with his hands, his touch tender.

Seconds stretched into what felt like eternity. Tsukiyo stood there, stunned, unable to react.

"Why aren't you saying anything? Does your silence means you accept my love?" Sanemi's voice was tinged with panic.

"Huh? Oh." Tsukiyo managed to blurt out, still too shocked to process his confession.

"What does that mean?" Sanemi's voice was almost frantic. "This is my first time confessing to someone, and all I get is 'Oh'? Does that mean you agree to be my girlfriend?"

"I got rejected for my first confession. Isn't that worse?" Tsukiyo tried to sound sarcastic, but her voice wavered.

Sanemi looked down, guilt washing over him. He knew she was referring to him, to the mistake he had made. He scratched his head, at a loss for words, knowing he had hurt her.

Tsukiyo reached out to take his hand in hers, her fingers trembling with emotion.

"I love you too, Sanemi," Tsukiyo finally responded, her voice choked with tears. "I never stopped."

Sanemi's eyes softened, relief flooding through him. He pulled her into a gentle embrace, holding her as if afraid she might slip away. "I'm so sorry, Tsukiyo. I won't let you go again."

Tsukiyo's heart raced as she looked up at him, her eyes shimmering with tears and hope. "This feels like a dream to me. Am I dreaming?"

"Silly, you are not." Sanemi said gently while brushing her soft hair.

Their gazes locked, the intensity of their emotions binding them together in that fragile moment. Sanemi leaned in, his breath warm against her skin.

Slowly, hesitantly, he closed the distance between them, capturing her lips in a tender, heartfelt kiss.

The kiss was soft at first, tentative, as if testing the waters of this newfound confession. But as Tsukiyo responded, wrapping her arms around his neck, the kiss deepened, carrying all the emotions they had held back for so long—fear, longing, love.

Sanemi held her tighter, pouring his heart into the kiss, as if trying to convey all the words he couldn't say.

When they finally parted, their foreheads rested against each other, breaths mingling in the quiet space between them. Tsukiyo's eyes fluttered open, meeting Sanemi's gaze, which was filled with a mix of relief, vulnerability, and unwavering love.

"Promise me you won't push me away again," Tsukiyo whispered, her voice barely audible.

Sanemi nodded, his eyes never leaving hers. "I promise. I'll never let you go."

With that vow, their lips met once more, sealing their newfound bond with a kiss that spoke of unspoken promises and a future intertwined.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04 ⏰

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