Chapter 49: The Silent Departure

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Hikari's home was quiet, a stark contrast to the anxiety bubbling in Tsukiyo's chest. When Hikari opened the door, her eyes widened with relief.

"Tsukiyo! Are you feeling better now? I was so worried when I heard about your injury," Hikari said, concern etched on her face as she embraced Tsukiyo.

"Yes, I'm fully healed," Tsukiyo reassured her, though her attempt to hide her own worry was transparent. She forced a smile, but it didn't reach her eyes. "I'll be more careful next time and train even harder."

Hikari's perceptive gaze didn't miss the tension in Tsukiyo's expression. "You look troubled. Is something wrong?"

Tsukiyo hesitated, not wanting to burden Hikari with her own worries. "It's nothing serious. Maybe I'm just a bit tired. I need more rest to regain my energy," she said, trying to sound cheerful, but her voice faltered.

Hikari sighed, placing a hand on Tsukiyo's shoulder. "You can't hide from me, Tsukiyo. Your emotions are always written all over your face. Is this about Hiroshi?"

Taken aback by Hikari's directness, Tsukiyo's defences crumbled. She lowered her gaze, memories of recent conversations and failed attempts to contact Hiroshi flashing through her mind. She had tried everything but had found nothing.

"Hiroshi has been avoiding everyone," Tsukiyo admitted, her voice laced with sorrow. "He hasn't returned my letters, and I can't find him anywhere. I even heard a rumour that he's quit the Corps."

Hikari's eyes widened in shock. "Hiroshi? Quitting? That doesn't sound like him at all. He's always been so dedicated."

"I know," Tsukiyo replied, her frustration evident. "I've been searching for him, but it's like he's vanished. I'm afraid something serious has happened, but I can't believe he'd just leave like that."

Hikari's expression softened. "Thank you for trying, Tsukiyo. I'll keep looking too. Hiroshi has never been irresponsible or strange like this. I'm really worried."

Tsukiyo nodded, her determination hardening. "I won't stop until I find him. I'll check our old training grounds and speak to everyone who might know something. I'll find out what happened."


The day stretched long and arduous as Tsukiyo combed through their favourite haunts, questioned fellow slayers, and revisited places filled with memories of Hiroshi. Yet, each inquiry brought only dead ends, and her worry deepened with each passing hour.

By twilight, Tsukiyo found herself standing on a cliff overlooking the dense forest below. The wind tugged at her hair, mirroring the turmoil in her heart. She closed her eyes, recalling the last conversation she had with Hiroshi:

"Tsukiyo," he had said, his eyes clouded with a sorrow she hadn't understood then. "There are things you don't know yet... But soon, you will understand."

Those words now echoed with a weight she hadn't grasped at the time. What had Hiroshi been trying to tell her?

A sudden murmur from two passing slayers caught her attention. "Did you hear? Hiroshi quit the Demon Slayer Corps. Just up and left without a word. Strange, isn't it?"

The words struck Tsukiyo like a physical blow. The idea of Hiroshi abandoning his duty was unimaginable. Memories of his laughter, his unwavering courage, and the countless battles they had fought together flooded her mind.

Refusing to believe he had simply walked away, Tsukiyo pushed past the gnawing doubts. Hiroshi was more than a comrade; he was family. Whatever had driven him away, she was certain there was a reason—a reason she was determined to uncover.


Back at her mansion, Tsukiyo sat alone in her quarters, the flickering lantern casting long shadows on the walls. Her thoughts were a storm of confusion and concern. Hiroshi's departure didn't fit with the man she knew. What burden could be so great that he felt he had to shoulder it alone?

Her heart ached with the thought that Hiroshi might be in trouble. Yet, despite the evidence of his departure, her trust in him remained unshaken. She believed in his strength, his resilience. If Hiroshi had left, there had to be more to the story.

Determined not to jump to conclusions, Tsukiyo resolved to dig deeper. She couldn't let her trust in Hiroshi waver, not when he might need her the most. She made a silent vow to uncover the truth behind his disappearance. No matter how elusive the answers, she would find him and stand by his side, just as he had always stood by hers.

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