Chapter 43: Collision of Fate

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These days, Sanemi's mind has been a whirlwind, a chaotic storm of conflicting emotions that refused to settle. Ever since Tsukiyo had confessed her feelings to him, he couldn't escape the memory of her tear-streaked face. Her words echoed in his mind, a constant reminder of the pain he had caused.

For the first time, Sanemi found it impossible to focus. Tsukiyo's confession haunted him, her sorrowful eyes a constant presence in his mind. He threw himself into training, hoping the physical exertion would drown out the emotional turmoil, but it was no use.

He kept replaying the moment in his mind, wondering if he could have handled it differently. Could he have softened the blow? Could he have found a way to ease her pain? The questions gnawed at him, their answers elusive.

"Damn it, why can't I get her out of my head? I did the right thing, didn't I? I couldn't lead her on. But seeing her like that... I never wanted to hurt her."

Sanemi tried to convince himself that he had made the right decision. After all, it was better to be honest than to give her false hope. But the regret lingered, a persistent ache that refused to fade.

"I need to get my head straight. The crystal girl's hurting, and it's because of me. She is avoiding me now. I need to find a way to make it right... if that's even possible."

One evening, as he stood alone on the training grounds, the sky painted with the hues of twilight, Sanemi found himself staring at the spot where Tsukiyo had confessed her feelings. The memory was a knife twisting in his gut.

He clenched his fists, frustration boiling over. "Damn it, Tsukiyo. Why did you have to say it? Why did you have to make me feel this way?"

But even as the words left his mouth, he knew they were unfair. It wasn't her fault. She had been brave and honest. It was his own inability to handle his emotions that had caused this mess.

As Sanemi wrestled with his thoughts, a mission came in. He glanced at the assignment, his heart sinking when he saw Tsukiyo's name paired with his. Fate, it seemed, had a cruel sense of timing.

"What a timing..." he told himself, trying to summon the resolve that had always seen him through.


"What? I am paired with Sanemi for this mission?" Tsukiyo exclaimed when she saw the assignment. "Someone just end me, please," she cried, feeling overwhelmed and not ready to face Sanemi yet, especially not when she hadn't fully sorted out her feelings for him.

Her heart raced as memories of their last encounter flooded back. She had tried to keep her distance, to give herself time to heal, but now she was forced to confront the very person she was trying to avoid.

As Tsukiyo prepared for the mission, her thoughts were a jumble of emotions. She wanted to be professional, to show that she could handle herself, but the prospect of being near Sanemi again filled her with a mix of dread and longing.


That evening, as they gathered their blades, Sanemi caught a glimpse of Tsukiyo. She looked tense, her usual calm demeanor replaced by a palpable unease.

He wanted to say something, to bridge the chasm that had grown between them, but the words caught in his throat. They set out in silence, the air heavy with unresolved tension. As they journeyed through the dense forest, Sanemi stole glances at Tsukiyo, his mind racing with conflicting thoughts.

"Stay focused, Sanemi. You can't let this affect the mission," he reminded himself, though it was easier said than done.

Hours into their mission, Sanemi and Tsukiyo encountered a group of demons led by a formidable opponent—the Hive Mind demon. This demon stood at the center of the chaos, its eyes glowing with an eerie light as it directed its subordinates with flawless precision.

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