Truck Washes & Country Hot Tubs

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"No riding or anything strenuous." Ratchet said from his kneeling position beside me as I was laying down on the couch. My uncle standing beside Ratchet. Ron and Sides standing behind the couch with their arms crossed.

"That's absurd! It's not even that bad just a pinched nerve with slight inflation around the disk." I said while throwing my hands in the air. Ratchet just looked at me and gave me an are you serious look.

"Right, and the Decepticons don't crave violence." Ratchet said standing up. Will, Ron, and Sides all went still and sent Ratchet a look.

"What?" He questioned looking between the three.

"We don't talk about work in the house. Some people," My uncle looked down at me and then back at the man he was talking to, "don't need to know certain things." He finished and started to walk Ratchet to the door as he was needed back at the base.

I looked up to Ron and Sides. They refused to make eye contact with me though and went to follow the other two that were headed to the front of the house. I huffed and slowly sat up before using the couch to stand up and then the walls to support me as I made my way to the front as well to thank the medic.

"Well that is stupid William. She should know, she is apart of your family. They could go after her, she carries a similar scan signature as you." I heard Ratchet say and stopped in my tracks to listen into their conversation.

"I tried to tell him that doc bot, but he wouldn't have any of it." I heard Sides say. I then heard a smack and an ow from Sides.

"It is Wills decision on whether or not he wants to tell her and we must respect his decision." Ron said.

"Thank you Ron." -Will

"Oh no do not thank me. I think it is stupid of you to keep this from her as well. She is an adult , and if a con does somehow trace her signature she should know what to look out for. I am simply just honoring your decision. " -Ron

"Gee thanks Ron. I'm doing this for her own good guys trust me."-Will

"For her own good or for yours?"-Ratchet

"Okay you know what guys I know what is best for my niece and this is the best thing. Now thank you Ratchet for coming over and I will see you back at the base on Monday."-Will

"Fine if you want to keep this from her we will, but don't complain when it blows up in your face."-Sides said and then I heard another whack. "Ow what is with you and hitting me in the helm!"

"Why did he have to come here with me. I am perfectly capable of being a guardian to this family by myself. Take him back to base with you." Ron basically seethed out.

"No I'm okay here Ron it's good to be out of the base and I do quite enjoy the views." Sides responded with smugness in his voice and then I heard an almost growl sound before grunting could be heard between the two men.

"What is that supposed to mean Sides?" My uncle inquired but got no answer as the two men continued to wrestle each other. I assumed. I was still hiding behind a wall, well that's what I believed  they were doing based on all the grunting going on.

"Enough you two! You are acting like little sparklings. Hide I expected better from you! What has gotten into you guys?" I heard Ratchet say after breaking them up genuine confusion in his voice. "Are your processors malfunctioning? Do I need to take you back to the base for a scan?" He then questioned.

"No." Both Ron and Sides huffed out.

"Hide you know Prime ordered both of you here for a reason so just trust him." Ratchet sighed out, frustration starting to make itself known.

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