Rodeo Queen

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"You ready to get going kid?" Lloyd asked me as I was throwing my saddle into the trailer we'd be taking down to the rodeo.

"Yessir, just finishing up here and then we'll be good to go." I answered back closing the trailer door and locking it up.

I had been over at the ranch all morning getting in some last minute practice. It had been a while since I had done some steer wrestling, but I still had it.

Ben on the other hand was absolutely terrified the first time I jumped off my horse to grab the cow. He had hopped over the bars and ran towards me as I flipped the small cow asking if I was 'crazy'.

He had calmed down slightly after I had explained to him what steer wrestling was, though he was still worried about me getting hurt and mumbling something along the lines of 'the terror twins are gonna have my aft'. Whatever that means.

I tapped the back end of the trailer signalling I was done and gave a thumbs up to Colby who would be driving the truck and trailer down to the rodeo. Ryan was accompanying him too, and sent me a thumbs up as well before telling Colby to get his ass in gear. I chuckled at the two.

I then went and stood beside Ben who was talking to Kayce and Beth. I placed a hand on his shoulder to get his attention.

"You ready for your first rodeo?" I asked smiling at him. Kayce and Beth chuckling at me.

"I guess so. Seems there's no way I can talk you out of it though right?" He replied back looking at me with hesitancy.

"Nope." I smiled back at him.

"Thought so." He mumbled out.

I grabbed both of his shoulders and shook him. "Live a little Ben. It's fun! You only live once so why not make the most of it!?"

He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Oh believe me I have lived."

"So cryptic. Now let's get going. I'll ride with you so you're not lonely. Just don't be surprised if you're the only sports car there." I said tapping his shoulder and heading over to the yellow car.

"Let's get this show on the road!" I yelled out earning a few yells from the boys.


As we pulled into our designated spot I hopped out and turned to Ben leaning on the car roof.

"Alrighty, I'm gonna stay here with Lloyd and Jimmy. You can head up to the stands and join the wranglers. Jimmy will be out before me and then I'm on after him cuz he's the last on for bronc riding." I said tapping the roof of the car.

"Just be careful okay? Please?" Ben said walking around the car and to stand in front of me.

"I'll try my hardest, but I can't promise anything, okay?"

"I guess that's as good as I'm going to get. Okay." He said grabbing my arm and pulling me in for a quick hug. I patted his back as he let go.

"Now go catch up with the others!" I yelled out as I started walking backwards to where Lloyd and Jimmy were. He threw me a thumbs up.

As I walked up to the two men I saw that Lloyd was giving Jimmy a small pep talk. Mans gonna need it. Well I shouldn't say that. He wasn't half bad for never being on a horse a year ago. He's got this. Maybe.

"Alright folks grab your seats, we're about to start some riding! Yee Haw!" The announcer blared out through the speakers.

"Alright Jimmy, let's get you in the shoots." Lloyd said shoving the kid in the direction he was supposed to go. He stumbled over his feet before catching himself.

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