Fun At The Fair

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As the three of us were making our way towards the stands I tugged on Sides arm causing him to stop and turn. Sunny halting just before he ran into me casting me a glance at the sudden action.

"Can we actually stop at the trailer first? I wanna change my shirt. It got a little dirty in the tussle." I said pointing over to the sleek black truck and trailer with the Yellowstone brand plastered on the sides.

The boys looked at each other before Sunny threw his hand in the direction of the truck. "I'm just following you. You're the one that dragged me to this weird human western tradition."

Sides shot him a look before turning to me. "Yea we can do that."

I smiled up at him before turning to his brother and deadpanning. "You could be a little more happy and a little less negative." I told him as I tugged Sideswipes so that he was now trailing behind me.

"Yea sunshine, be a little more happy." Sides said bugging his brother. I let a smile pull at my lips as we came to a stop at the truck and I opened the door to retrieve a shirt, leaning in to grab it.

"Don't call me that afthead." Sunny growled out. I heard the sound of a smack and then a body collided with mine causing me to fall into the truck.

My legs were firmly planted on the ground and my ass was sticking out as I used my forearms to catch myself and then push myself up. Hands were placed on my hips as the person had fallen in with me. I looked over my shoulder and met the face of Sideswipe. His sunglasses had fallen off and he was looking up to meet my eyes.

He grinned at me and squeezed my hips causing me to shake my head at his antics. "As much as I enjoy this position, I'd like it to be under different circumstances and preferably with no clothes on." He said sending me a cheeky smile.

My face instantly flushed red. "You'd like that wouldn't you?" I asked using my hands to push myself backwards with force causing him to stumble back and into his brother who caught him by the arm.

I grabbed my dark grey t-shirt out of my bag and removed my hat setting it on the seat. I then grabbed the small blanket that was thrown over the back seats and stood up turning around to face the two.

"Now if yall are done messing around can I change?" I asked placing my hands on my hips and raising a brow at them.

Sides grumbled out a yea and reached down adjusting his pants. I smirked and looked to Sunny who had a small smile on his face at his brothers uncomfortableness. He looked up and caught my eye, his smile vanishing.

I threw the blanket at him and he caught it with fast reflexes looking down at the soft material in his hand, a confused look taking over his face.

"Hold that up for me will you. I'm gonna change in between the doors." I said moving and opening the front door to make a small area for me to change in.

"Um don't they have changerooms for this?" Sides questioned straightening himself out. I nodded.

"Yea, but I ain't walking to the front just to change my shirt. It'll be fine." I said standing between the two doors and motioning for his brother to hold up the blanket.

They looked at each other and then back to me. Sides then pointed to the drivers window that you could clearly see through. "What about that? I don't need any other mech seeing you without a top on." He said seriously.

I scoffed and shook my head. "I have a bra on Sides, I'll be okay."

"No." He said sounding firm. I looked at him and then to his brother who seemed to share the same opinion as him but wouldn't actually voice it.

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