Part 3

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As Jazz and I heard the last of the vehicles shut off we both stood up to go and greet them. I reached down and grabbed his hoodie that had been discarded on the wooden planks and he grabbed his jeans and threw them on, opting to leave the soaking t-shirt off.

As we made it to the end of the dock and started to walk up the path, a loud engine could be heard coming in fast. I whipped my head in the direction of it and saw a blood red Ferrari speeding down the road, dust flying everywhere. As it approached the driveway it drifted the corner turning and then was put into reverse mid spin and backed down the rest of the way.

"Wow.." I muttered staring at it. I heard a scoff and turned to see Jazz shaking his head.

"That's Mirage for you. Always trying to be the show off." He said as he placed his hand on my lower back and pushed me onwards. 

When we got to the top I noticed the array of different vehicles. There was a lime green Hummer, a Topkick, Corvette, Camaro, a blue and red Semi Truck and now the red Ferrari. Damn what is this place the house for misfit cars? When we came up to the group of people everyone quieted and turned to look at us.

I made eye contact with my uncle who looked at me and then Jazz before bursting out laughing at Jazzs soaking figure. "She pushed you off the end didn't she?" He questioned calming his laughs to a slow chuckle.

"Yea she sure did. Little trouble maker this one is." Jazz said smiling at me. I returned it with a wink. 

We all turned to the Ferrari as the door opened and closed, a tall man stepping out. He had dark hair that seemed to have a hue of deep red in it, tattoos up his arms and stopping at his neck. He wore black jeans with black boots and a leather jacket over a black button down shirt. He had the first two buttons undone on the shirt giving you a little bit of a view of his toned and tatted chest.

"God damn it's fucking dusty out here. I can feel the dirt settling on me and I am not a fan. Remind me again why I came out here?" The man, I'm assuming Mirage said turning to face us as he wiped his jacket off. He looked at everyone before his eyes landed on me and looked me up and down slowly a smirk settling on his face. "Never mind, I've been reminded." He said coming to a stop in front of Jazz and I.

He stuck his hand out to shake mine and I looked at Jazz before placing my hand in his. He shook it gently before turning it over and placing a soft kiss on the back of my hand. "Name's Mirage, it's lovely to finally meet you." He said leaning back up. I slowly took my hand back before looking at everyone with raised eyebrows. 

My eyes settled on Ron and Sides who stood further out. They both had an angry look on their faces. Sides stayed back as Ron started to walk forwards and towards Mirage, Jazz and I. He placed a hand on Mirages chest and shoved him back with a glare.

"What?" he questioned.

"You know what." Ron replied pointing at him and then turning to Jazz. "And you, go put a shirt on." 

Jazz laughed before shaking his head and walking to his car. Ron then turned to me and looked from my feet to my messy wet hair in a bun. He narrowed his eyes at the sweater I was wearing before turning in the direction of Jazz again and then back. "You smell like him." My face flushed as I looked down, if only he knew what we were doing 30 minutes ago. I cleared my throat and looked up into his eyes.

"Good to see you too Ron," I smiled at him before turning in the direction of Sides, "Hey Sides, long time no see." He smiled and looked down before looking back at me and walking over.

"Not too pissed off at me?" He questioned. I put my hand on my chin and did a thinking face while popping my hip out. "Well maybe just a little, but if you guys are fixing it I guess I can let it slide. But just a bit." I replied. I then opened my arms and waved him towards me for a hug. He gladly took the last couple steps and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me tight against him. I heard a grumble come from beside us and saw Ron. I then stuck my arm out and jumped up a bit putting it around his neck and pulling him down to be in the little group hug. He grunted but allowed it.

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