Adjusting To New Things

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~Warning! Mature content ahead! Yall have been warned!!!😏😏😏


Sideswipe leaned into my touch and brought his hand up to be placed over mine, turning it and placing a soft kiss on the palm of my hand, not caring at all that there was dried blood all over it.

"Are you sure? Laura you've been through a lot today..."

I nodded. "I'm sure."

He slowly removed my hand and stepped back looking at the car and then the ground. It was like he was scared to look at me now.

"I...uh...I can't stay in this form if I transform." He whispered out.

I nodded knowing that he didn't see me. "It's okay." I assured him. "What is this anyway?" I asked gesturing to his body. "How are you able to do this?"

He finally looked up at me. "We call it a holoform. Ratchet designed it when we landed on your planet to allow us to blend in easier." He stated looking at his arms and hands.

"Well, he uh, he did a pretty good job." I said chuckling while wringing my hands together in front of me, blood smearing around them.

"Are you sure? We can get you cleaned up first. I don't like seeing you like this Laura." Sideswipe said pointing to the blood and cuts everywhere.

I ran both my hands through my hair, slicking it back with the blood and nodded my head. "Yea. Can't get any worse right?" I asked with a playful edge to my voice.

His eyes brightened slightly. "Okay..."

With that his body flickered before vanishing completely. I stepped forwards waving my hand through the air. He really can just disappear.

The car headlights light up and the engine revved to life. I watched mesmerized as pieces popped out of place and clicked together. It was a lot slower of a transformation than when he was attacking the other robot. He was giving me time to slowly take it all in.

He slowly built himself up to stand tall. Once he was transformed and no more pieces moved for a few seconds, I took a couple steps back. My head tilting up to take it all in. He balanced easily on the wheels that were his feet and held his hands out to his side so I could really see him.

He was staring down at me, not saying a word. Just letting me stare, and I was thankful for that. It was hard to wrap my head around it.

I noticed a huge scratch across his front chest piece and took a tentative step forwards.

He leaned down onto one knee slowly, but the movement was still too fast for me and I stumbled backwards landing on my ass. My hands stinging as they made contact with the ground.

I looked up and saw that he was reaching a hand out to me but stopped a foot away, opting to hover it there instead. "Sorry Laura. I did not mean to startle you..."

"It's, it's okay. I just wasn't prepared for it." I answered back swallowing thickly.

I slowly reached my hand up and motioned for him that it was okay to continue.

He extended his hand further out so it was right in front of me and I reached up, gently grasping onto one of his fingers. The metal was smooth and warm against my hand.

I gripped it a bit harder as he slowly lifted and I pushed up with my feet, accepting his help. Once I was steady enough he went to pull away, but I gripped on tightly. His eyes found mine and they lit up, keeping his hand steady.

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