Bucking Around

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I woke up to the sun shining on my face and slowly opened my eyes. I glanced at the clock on my dresser and saw that it read 6:15 a.m in its annoying bright red letters. Sighing I closed my eyes again preparing for my morning routine.

Opening my eyes I now realized that I was laying in my bed in my room, but I very distinctly remember falling asleep on the couch last night. Sides must have brought me up I concluded, as he was the only other one awake with me.

The blankets were tucked up to under my arms and my hair clip was no longer in my hair but on the little nightstand beside my bed. I smiled and let out a little hum. How thoughtful of him. I'll have to thank him when I see him next.

I pulled myself out of my warm comforters and headed into the bathroom for a quick shower. Once that was done I put on a pair of wranglers and a black tank, and of course my belt and buckle. Grabbing one of my hats off a hook I put it on and turned the light off heading down the stairs quietly as to not wake anyone up yet. I was Usually the first one up in this house. Shocker right? But I guess when you have horses and are used to working on a farm it's normal.

I headed straight for the kitchen and started a cup of coffee before moving to make myself a scrambled egg and cheese sandwich. Once it was done I quietly washed the dishes and grabbed my steaming cup of black coffee and plate that held my breakfast and headed out the front door. I held the screen door open and kicked my pair of cowboy boots I'd be wearing out and then stepped out onto the front porch and gently closed the door.

As I turned around I noticed that I had kicked my boots a little too hard and they now sat down at the bottom of the steps and in front of the black truck. Well shucks. Guess I'll just get them later.

I sat myself down on the swinging bench and settled in taking a bite of my sandwich. Once that was done I grabbed my coffee cup that I had sat on the little table and wrapped my hands around it feeling the warmth through the cup. I looked up to see the sun now peeking over the horizon and lifted the cup to my mouth taking a big gulp. A satisfying sigh left my lips and I closed my eyes taking in the peaceful moment and listening to the birds and wildlife waking up.

I then opened my eyes again and let them drift over to the row of vehicles in our front yard now. My eyes then landed on the silver sports car and I looked down the hood to see if I could identify the brand of the car. My eyes then landed on a square looking thing and I pinched my eyebrows together. Getting up from my spot on the swinging bench I made my way down the steps and onto the gravel in my bare feet. What? You're going to tell me you've never walked bare feet on gravel growing in the country?

I still held my cup of coffee in my hand as I approached the car. Stopping in front of it I leaned down a little to take a closer look at the weird symbol. It appeared to be a face? Almost robotic? What the heck kind of brand was that. I reached my hand up and gently placed it on the hood beside the symbol. The car seemed to almost jump at the touch, and it was warm. But that couldn't be right. Cars don't make noises or move when they're off and the sun is just coming up so it should not be warm. Whatever I'll blame it on the early morning and my coffee not kicking in yet.

I then stood up but left my hand on the car and looked over at the truck, noticing it had the same symbol on its hood. Must be a military symbol or something then if both of them have it. I started to take a couple steps towards the truck to examine the symbol on it. The truck sat taller on the ground so I wouldn't have to lean over and disturb my lower back anymore than I did yesterday. I Let my fingers gently trail across the hood of the silver car as I made my way over to the truck and could almost swear I heard a sigh.

I lifted my hand up to the front of the truck and then let it trail across the grill and hood as I made it to the middle. This time there was no noise from the vehicle which I thanked in my head. Means I'm not going crazy and I can blame it on the coffee not working. After looking at the symbol a little longer I sat my mug on top of the hood of the truck and turned grabbing my socks from my pocket and putting them on my feet and them reaching down and grabbing my boots that laned in front of the truck.

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