Recovery & Unknown Bonding

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It was dark. All around me was darkness. I heard the beeps of machines and people talking, but it was all pitch black.

"Is she going to be okay?" A familiar voice, Sides asked. I guess there was two people here or more. I couldn't exactly tell.

"I did what I could Sideswipe, it is up to her now." Ratchet said back to him. Ah so that's who it was. Wait who was Sideswipe? Is that Sides full name that no one told me?

"She'll pull through. My niece is a tough one guys. I have to go talk to the Duttons about what happened. Call me if anything changes and I'll be right over." I heard my uncle say stress clear in his voice. Then there was shuffling of feet.

"Ron did you want to drive?" Will spoke almost hesitantly. Was everyone in here?

"Yea." Ron replied gruffly. Then there was an open of a door and silence.


"Sideswipe if you are going to ask me if she will be okay again, I am going to throw a wrench at you." The medic stated. Now that would be funny to see. Unfortunately I couldn't and I was getting tired again, even though I was already sleeping. How did that even work?

I tried to pry my eyes open but nothing was working. It was like my body was telling me it needed rest.

"No, it's not that. When she fell unconscious... I placed my forehead against hers..."

"What? Why would you do that! You know that is something only sparkmates and closely bonded should do! And she doesn't even know what you are!" Ratchet all but yelled out. I don't know what he is? What is that supposed to mean? Is he talking about his position in the army?

"I did it the other night too, but listen that's not what I'm trying to get at!" Sides quickly interrupted.

"You are being selfish in doing that. Especially since she doesn't know. I don't even know if it could work between you two, let alone a split spark pair and I'm the medic!" Ratchet ranted back.

"Okay well then what I'm about to say to you is probably going to confuse you more. Just as much as it did me."

"What did you do Sideswipe..."

"When I placed my forehead against hers, much like sparkmates or in this case when Sunstreaker and I do it over the bond... I felt her pain..." Sides said trailing off.

Excuse me what? How could he that's impossible. But then again when I was slipping into unconsciousness it did feel like the pain was lessening.

"What?" Ratchet said, shock filling his voice. Yea same here buddy.

Suddenly it seemed to get darker and I slipped back into unconsciousness again.
3rd. P.O.V

"Sideswipe, what do you mean by that?" Ratchet said dropping everything he was doing and giving the front liner his full attention.

"Well when she went unconscious I don't know what came over me and I placed my head on hers okay? And then I thought what if I can ease her pain like I do when Sunny is hurt or vice versa." Sideswipe went on to explain to the medic throwing his hands in the air as he went.

"And then what happened?" Ratchet asked impatiently.

"I don't know Ratchet. It's like I didn't want to see her in pain and then suddenly I was feeling it. It scared me honestly. I've only ever had that with Sunstreaker." Sideswipe said trailing off.

"This is very interesting indeed. I'll need to run a few tests seeing as this has never happened before. It should not be possible, a cybertronian and a human." Ratchet replied back brining his hand to his chin.

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