Ranching Days With Ben

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Ben had come over a couple hours after Sides had left that evening. That was two weeks ago.

There had been very limited contact with the team that had gone overseas, but my auntie had managed to get a hold of my uncle last week. Or I should say he called to let her know that there was some trouble over there and that they would be stuck there for a bit. She had informed me of it the second she got off the phone with him. It was just a waiting game now I guess.

I did however miss Sideswipe. It felt like there was a pull in me, a part that was almost needing to be beside him. I wasn't to sure on what to think of that though, seeing as how that's never happened to me before.

I huffed and looked at my phone sitting on the kitchen table beside me. I had been debating whether or not to call him or shoot him a text. But I had decided against it every time. I didn't want to distract him from getting his brother back. It was just a shitty game of patience now.

"You okay?" Ben asked looking up from his phone and at me. I hummed in response and nodded my head.

"Just thinking is all." I answered back leaning my head against my hand that was propped up on the table.

"You're worried about Sides aren't you?" He said sitting his phone down on the table and giving me his full attention.

Ben and I have become very good friends in the two weeks that he's been here. We were almost inseparable and always joking around. He was like the little brother that I never had, and I greatly appreciated his company. Even if I was reluctant in the beginning at accepting Sides offer to have him stay with us. Turned out pretty good though and I had made a good friend out of it.

"Yea... I'm worried about all of them. I know that it's their job and all to go out and 'save the world', but I still worry. Ya know?" I told him honestly.

He clasped his hands together in front of him and gave me a grin, as if saying he knew exactly what I was talking about. "I can assure you Laura, they're all fine. Even Sideswipe."

Ben had found out that I knew Sides full name one night as we were down at the docks star gazing. It had slipped and he had the biggest look of surprise on his face. Almost fell off the chair and into the water. That led to a whole night of talking, and lets just say he was the only one that now knew of Sides and I's little make out. He had pumped his fists in the air saying 'I knew it!' and 'That's my boy.' I however didn't tell him that Sides had promised to tell me everything when he got back. No need for Ben to get in trouble.

"Alright, well if you say so, then I guess I'll believe you." I said sending him a cheeky smile. He laughed and shook his head.

Before either of us could say anything else, My auntie had walked in holding her laptop up and talking. I raised an eyebrow at her, but it quickly fell as she turned the screen my way and I saw my uncles face on it.

"Hey kiddo!" Will said through the laptop.

I let a smile grace my face. Guess I was worrying for no reason. "Hey uncle, how's it going."

My aunt sat the computer beside me and pulled out a chair sitting in front of it. I got up and stood behind her so he could see both of us. Ben getting up and standing a little off to the side of me.

"Oh you know, not to bad. Got everything settled here and should be back in a couple days." He said taking his hat off his head. You could see the exhaustion on his face.

"Well that's good!" My aunt said, happy to find out that her husband would be returning to her. I smiled at him too.

There was then loud noises and yelling on the other end of the line, almost like metal clashing? This caused my uncle to look back and yell out. "Get him under control Sides!"

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