Here Fishy Fishy

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It was around the afternoon when we finally made it back to the house. I was reclined back in the passenger seat of Sides care and turned on my side facing him. He was nice enough to lay his jacket overtop of me to keep me warm, as well as turn on the heated seats. Which was weird because I didn't see the switch for them, and I'm pretty sure sports cars didn't have that as a feature. Huh, must be an aftermarket thing I guess.

We pulled up to the front and he put the car in park turning to look at me, I smiled up at him. The sound of a car pulling up beside my door caused us both to look out the window. Jazz had the music blaring as he shut his vehicle off. I looked to his window to see if I could make out the culprit with the loud music, but they were to dark to see into.

The man in question opened the door and stepped out, moving his shades that he always seems to be wearing to the top of his head. He shut his door and took the couple steps to mine to open it for me. I sat up and removed Sides jacket handing it over to him.

Jazz reached down and grabbed the handle attempting to open it, but the door would not comply. It was locked. He jiggled the handle a couple more times before looking into the window with a 'really' look. I giggled and turned to Sides who had a smirk on his face.

"Come on be nice. He's just trying to help." I said reaching out and grabbing the handle to open it. It didn't budge either and I looked at it with a quizzical look. Well that shouldn't happen. I turned to Sides with a raised eyebrow.

"Uh it's a military perk. I get control of the doors." He said gesturing his hand down to the buttons on the door before reaching down and pressing one. The door made a clicking noise and swung open hitting Jazz in the stomach.

The man groaned and grabbed his mid section doubling over a bit and coughing. My eyes widened before I got out of the car slowly and knelt down beside him placing my hand on his back.

"Oh my god are you okay?" I questioned concerned. That door did open with some force. Must be another military thing or malfunction.

"I'm peachy." He strained out while leaning a hand on the hood of the car trying to recover. His sunglasses then slipped off his head and I reached out grabbing them before they hit the ground.

"Thanks shorty." He said standing up and glaring at Sides who had stepped out of the car as well and was leaning on the roof of it smiling over at him.

"What?" He questioned as if he did nothing wrong.

"You know what you aft head." Jazz replied back bitterness in his voice. Sides laughed before starting to walk around the car towards us.

I rubbed my hand on Jazzs back before going to hand him the glasses. He looked down at them before gently taking them and brining them up to my face. He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and then placed them on me, the light instantly being lessened by the polarization. I sent him a smirk.

"How do I look?" I asked playfully striking a small pose. He laughed and looked me up and down.

"Hot little missy, very hot." He answered back. My cheeks heated up and I let out a bashful chuckle.

A growl coming from behind me brought us out of our little banter and I turned to see Sides glaring at Jazz over my shoulder.

"Oh my god guys knock it off. I don't have the energy to be dealing with this right now." I muttered pushing past Sides and making my way up the steps to the door. Way to dampen the mood dude.

I heard some arguing behind me but didn't turn to look at the two bickering. Instead I slowly squatted down and lifted up the welcome mat grabbing the spare key. I stood up and kicked the mat back into place and unlocked the door walking through, leaving the arguing children.

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