The Truth Comes Out

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Do you ever have a moment in your life when something happens and you think, this can't possibly be real? This couldn't be happening? This was it for me.

I was running from a giant robot that had shot at me.

I scanned the area for Sunny to see him already making his way towards me. I changed direction so I could meet him halfway.

Just as I was about to grab his arm that he had outstretched to me, the ground exploded right beside me, sending me flying in the air. I landed hard on the ground, the air in my lungs knocked out of me. Rolling onto my side I tried to breathe.

"Laura!" Sunny shouted. But I didn't look at him. Instead I turned my gaze to where the shot had come from.

Sideswipe was now stood in front of the robot with his arms spread out wide. What the hell was he thinking? I said one piece not pieces.

The red eyed robot snarled and raised his blaster at him. I couldn't take my eyes off of him even if I tried. I was about to watch the man I'd been falling in love with die right in front of me.

Movement caught my eye and I turned my head slightly from my laidback position to see Sideswipes car driving towards him and the robot.

I then focused my eyes on Sideswipes form just in time to see the robot pull the trigger. Right as the blast was about to hit where he was standing, the man disappeared. My eyes widened at the sight. He literally just fizzled out. Is my mind playing tricks on me?

The sound of a loud engine revving had me looking in the direction of the car that was speeding towards the robot. It then slammed on the breaks drifting sideways and transforming. Just like the other one. Though this time it was more graceful. The car rearranged itself, pieces clicking into place.

As the last piece moved into place, the now transformed robot lunged up with the momentum and punched the red eyed one in the face, sending him falling on his ass.

"Ah come one Starscream did you really think it was that easy?" The silver bot spoke cockily.

I froze. Everything in me froze. I know that voice. Had heard it almost everyday for the past couple months. That was Sideswipes voice.

No, no, no, no, no. I pushed myself up onto my butt and started to shuffle back even more from the now two robots. This can't be happening. A strangled noise left my mouth as I continued to stare at the silver robot.

As if hearing me it turned around, bright blue eyes landing on my form scooting backwards. The same bright blue eyes that Sideswipe had. My mind had to be messing with me, this wasn't real.

It's blue eyes seemed to soften and fill with worry as it took in the state I was in. It looked back to the bot that was now getting up and then me again, eyes now hardening in a battle mode.

"Sunny get her out of here!" It said going back to fighting the red eyed robot.

My back hit something and I screamed turning around with my hands covering my face.

"Laura come on. We need to go. I need you to get up." The voice of Sunny spoke out to me and I lowered my arms looking up at him.

He had his hand held out to me but kept his eyes up, watching the two robots fighting. You could hear the sound of metal clashing.

I nodded and grabbed his hands. He easily pulled me up and tucked me into his side turning to the parked vehicles.

We only got to take a couple steps before Sunny's arms were wrapped around my waist lifting me up and pulling me to the other side of him.

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