Not My Style

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I woke up to the sun shining on my face and let out a small groan. Arms tightened around my waist as the sound left my lips.

I looked down to see Sideswipes arms tucked around me, his head snuggled into the crook of my neck. Soft breathing being heard.

I smiled as I recalled the events of last night.

As carefully as I could, I removed his arm that was around me and sat it down on the bed. He groaned a little but continued to sleep.

Slowly I slipped out of the bed and out from under the covers. Once I had my feet on the floor I pushed myself up and stumbled forwards.

My entire body was aching and sore. I sucked in a breath as I caught myself and turned back to make sure that Sideswipe was still sleeping. He was, thank god.

I made my way to the closest and quietly opened the door looking through Beth's cloths. I sighed as all she had was summer dresses. Definitely not my go to.

I riffled through the hangers before stopping on one that was semi okay. A simple white off the shoulder one. It would do.

I grabbed it and threw it over my shoulder making my way into the bathroom. Once inside I looked at myself in the mirror and hummed.

The scratches and bruises from the fight were in full bloom of their colouring and looked angry.

My neck and chest however were a different kind of bruise. They were full of love bites. The tiny bruises ran all along my chest and up my neck marking me. If people asked I'd just say it's from the accident.

I slipped the dress on over my head and brushed my hair out before looking to the floor. My discarded clothing lay on the ground still and I grimaced at all the dried blood and ripped holes on it.

Slowly I reached down and grabbed my clothing before throwing it in the garbage. Guess I'm going commando  today.

I then leaned down again and picked up Sides clothes, folding them nicely and carrying them out with me as I exited the bathroom.

Sideswipe was now cuddled up to a pillow and I chuckled to myself, setting his clothes down on the end of the bed and making my way out to the kitchen.

I started up the coffee pot and opened the fridge to see eggs. I quickly grabbed them and set it on the counter, pulling out a pan and setting it on the stove to warm up.

Once that was done I then grabbed some bread and set it in the toaster. Turning around I grabbed the eggs cracking them into a bowl and whisking it together. After the mixing was done I put the remaining eggs in the carton back in the fridge before walking over to the pan and stirring the scrambled eggs.

I started to hum as I stirred the food and slowly swayed my hips side to side doing a little stretching to try and loosen my muscles up a bit.

I yelped out as hands snaked around my waist causing me to jump and drop the spatula.

Sideswipe let out a deep chuckle as he gently squeezed me nuzzling his head into my neck.

"Good morning beautiful." He whispered out against my skin.

"You scared me Sides." I mumbled out picking up the spatula and taking the eggs off the burner.

Once I was sure they were off the heat and nothing was going to happen I turned around in his arms looking up into his blue eyes. He smirked down at me.

"Wasn't my intention." He replied while lifting my chin up and capturing my lips in a soft kiss.

He pulled away and stared down at me before turning my chin to the side and looking at all the little love bites he left on me. His smirk turned into a full on smile and a glint flashed in his eyes.

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