Cashier At A Coffee Shop

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"You're still coming today right? It's supposed to be busy Lee" My good fiend Livs voice rang through my phone. Shoot, I had forgotten that I said I would help out at the shop for the fundraiser.

"Um yea...but I'll have to be stuck on till, can't do anything strenuous. Doctor's orders."  I answered back shoving a spoonful of cereal in my mouth.

My auntie sat across from me with Annie on her lap feeding her. She looked up at me as I answered my friend.

"Yes! Okay that's perfect it's already busy here. Wear something cute and please hurry!" She yelled excitedly through the speaker, I had to pull it away for a second.

"How? It's eight in the morning?" I questioned.

"It's a Saturday and a coffee shop, on top of the fundraiser thing. Please just hurry!"

"Yea yea I'll be there in an hour." I answered getting up and setting the bowl in the sink.

"Thanks hun you're the best! See you soon!" And with that she hung up. I pulled my phone away from my ear and tucked it into my back pocket with a sigh.

"Well I'm off to go change and put on a fake smile for the rest of the day!" I said sarcastically to my aunt while give her the thumbs up and a wide cheesy smile.

She burst out laughing at me, bringing Annie up to burp her. "Well you have fun with that. I'll let your uncle know so someone can give you a ride in, or you can take my car." She said giving me a side eye.

"Yea I wouldn't be caught dead in that rust bucket. I'll take the ride." I answered back while walking through the hall.

As I turned the corner I ran into a hard chest and let out a grunt at the impact. Hands instantly grabbed me to steady my wobbly frame. I looked up and saw the crystal blues of Sides. He had a smirk on his face.

"Hey it's not that bad! Well maybe. And wear that cute skirt I got you a couple weeks ago!" My auntie shouted from the kitchen.

I rolled my eyes opting to not answer her and instead let out a loud 'uh huh'.

Sides removed his hands from on my shoulders and leaned against the wall. "Yes lets. I would love to see that 'cute' skirt."

I scoffed and shoved his shoulder as I walked by, wincing slightly at the pull of the stitches.

"You okay?" He called over his shoulder as I continued walking down the hall and to the staircase.

"Peachy. But you know," I trailed off turning at the second step and leaning over the railing to look at the man, "I'd be even better if I could snag a ride to the coffee shop..." I finished hesitantly.

He came up to the railing and looked up at me. The first time and probably the last time I will be taller than him.

"Nothing would please me more than driving my favourite girl around." He said back cheekily.

"Oh har har, I can just ask Ron..."

He instantly shook his head. "No! No don't do that, I was just playing. Yes I'll give you a ride. Jazz and I are supposed to go with you anyways right?"

Shoot that's right. Ratchet said that if I wanted to go, I'd need to be accompanied by the two. Well more like babysat, he just didn't say it that way.

"Yea you're right. I totally forgot about that. Huh oh well. Let me just change and I'll be right down. Is that okay?" I asked starting to walk up the stairs again.

I turned my head slightly to see that Sides had leaned over the rail to watch me walk up the set of steps. I cleared my throat.

"What? Just admiring the view." He said sending me a smirk.

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